The Final Chapter

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Frisk: aaAA--

Papyrus: DONT.even think about it mf

Sans: yea kiddo, looks like the author has something to say. shut the fuck up for just a sec.

torenail; wgat abt the wigglrs????????

chair: n o

Mettaton: Hey Papy, you remind me of my little toe~

Papyrus: WHAT?? WHY?

Mettaton: because I'm gonna bang you on every piece of furniture in this--


Mettaton: well i dont but,,--


UL!Papyrus: Good one b--

US!Sans: y o u t o o

UL!Papyrus: ah fucc


Underfaller: ANYWAY

I believe I owe you all a long overdue apology.

I'm really sorry for abandoning this book for so long without saying anything. Life's been busy, and I'll admit, I'd completely forgotten about it. I'm afraid my days in the Undertale fandom are LONG over, bringing this book to an end. However, I'm not dead (yet)! I still write stories on my other account 43Bottles , and am planning on publishing an up-to-date art book there soon. However, while I'm no longer a part of the Undertale community, I have to give credit where it's due and say that without all of the support on this book, I wouldn't have half of the motivation that I do to work on my others. While this is a sucky gift, to give my thanks, here's a sneak peek of one of the books I'm writing. This is the first time anyone's seeing this, even out of all of my good friends that helped me get this story up and running in the first place! Even though this is just part of the rough draft, I hope you enjoy!


As we stepped out of the car into the dirt driveway, I took some time to soak in my surroundings. It'd been forever since I'd last visited this ranch, too long, really. I barely noticed the other two join me, and continued to gaze around in amazement, nearly overwhelmed with bittersweet nostalgia. Last time I'd visited had been when Laeh and his little sister Lylo had decided to stay with us over spring break. We were only about twelve at the time (with the exception of Lylo, who'd been five), and had spent the entire day playing knights and riding the horses around as if they were our trusty steeds. Laeh seemed to be taking in the memories as well when he suddenly caught sight of one of the pens and stared for a moment, seeming to be thinking quite intensely about something. At first I didn't think much of it, but then his expression slowly slipped into a grin and I began to become suspicious. He took one look between the enclosure and Barbaro, then turned to me and winked.

"Hey Ellie, did I ever tell you about the time Barbaro fucked a horse?"

Poor Barbaro who had been in the middle of chugging the last of his Capri-Sun now had fruit juice flying out through his nose at around 100 miles per hour, and while he was momentarily rendered silent, I took the opportunity to inquire more about the subject.

"Oh, really?" I pondered sarcastically, trying to keep from laughing out loud. Barbaro glared between the two of us still clutching his nose before inserting his own input into the conversation.

"What in Zeus's name are you going on about?"

"You don't remember? Was it that blissful?" Laeh wondered aloud in response, stretching his voice out so much that I almost felt sorry for BJ.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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