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(Third person's pov-)

        The day it all began, Is when Icyanna left. The ice dragon that had rasied Emma. 

She was so small at that time. So  easy to cry.  

Emma woke up and found herself all alone in the freezing blizzard. Of course she was used to the cold, but.. She was alone. Why. What caused the mother that raised her with such care, to sudden leave her alone? Emma was broken now. Where did she go? What did she do?

"Mom! Icyanna!!" The girl's tiny voice screamed out in the freezing wind. She took a step in to the frigit snow. The child was no older than five years of age. So small, so innocent, so weak. The girl broke into tears, she didn't know what to do. "Mom..... Where did you go?" She asked, hoping her small and soft voice would be  heard in the dead of winter. The girl had icy blue hues and hair the color of know. But The tips of her hair were ice blue. Almost like they had been frozen.

A girl named Kira soon found the girl, and took her in. Emma has tears streaming down her face. Kira took her into her arms and hugged her tightly. "I'll never let you go.." Kira Even traveled with her. Kira treated her like she was her own.Emma was as happy as could be. She even became friends with Two little boys, Gray and Lyon, but one day, the two entered a town, unaware of what it held. A demon named Deleiora was attacking the town. Emma found herself struck by fear, she couldn't move. The demon of destruction went to attack her but Kira rushed herself ontop of Emma. The demon killed Kira instead of Emma. "Kira! Why would you..." Emma slowly began to gather tears in the corners of her eyes. "Why did you save me!?" The child screamed.
Kira gave a weak smile and she fell into Emma's arms. "Emma, I've lived a long life.. Yours has only just begun. I remember tears streaming down that face of yours when I said i'll never let you go.. When all those shadows almost killed you're light.."
"Kira!! Please!! Don't leave me here alone...Please!! I have no where to go! You're the only person i had! Mom already left me! You can't leave me too!!" Emma screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks as she held the woman close to her in her arms.
Kira gently grabbed the girls face and smiled. "I'll be watching you grow into a strong wizard... I love you...Emma.."Kira slowly shut her eyes and died in Emma's arms.
"KIRAA!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!" 

   Emma found herself homeless again and had no where to go.  

She finally found herself at a tower, maybe they would take her in? She risked it and slowly walked in. Emma was weak, her feet were bruised and her clothes were all ripped up. The tower Emma had walked in was called the tower of heaven, little did she know, that was one of her worst mistakes. A guard smirked when finding the girl. 
"Awww.. Little girl are you lost?"
Emma slowly looked up and horror filled her eyes to see what was going on. Children and adults, slaving around. Emma tried to make a run for it but it was too late. The guard grabbed her by her arm and threw her in a jailcell with six others. One had bright blue hair, one had red hair, one was an old man, then there was A cat like girl and two other boys. Emma was frightend. She had no clue what to do. The others in that cell seemed to be planning something, so they didn't notice Emma until the Guard said something. 
"Welcome you're new member!" He said with a smirk before leaving.
Emma already had bruised hands and feet. Plus she had bruises and scratches all over her.
The girl with red hair slowly walked over to the small white headed female. "A-Are you okay?" She asked softly.
Emma nodded slowly in response.
"My name's Erza! What's yours?" She asked and sat down next to the girl.
Emma slowly gazed over to her. "Emma.." She replied in a soft tone.
The boy stood up from his spot and walked over to her. "I'm Jellal! It's nice to meet'cha!" He held his hand out to her.
Emma was hesitant at first but then slowly took his hand and she stood up.
Jellal smiled. "That's Milianna, Simon, and that's Sho!" He pointed them out. "And that's uncle Rob." He pointed to the elderly man. "Oh and that's Erza!" He pointed to Erza. Erza stood up and smiled. "Hi!"
Emma smiled gently when they all greeted her. "H-Hello.. I'm Emma Mori."
As the days past, Emma actually made quite a few friends in the tower of Heaven. A boy named Erik, then Macbeth, Sarona,Sawyer, Richard. And a bunch of other people. But little did the Guards know, They was making an escape plan.
   One day, they went to escape but.. Sadly they was caught redhanded. 
Emma and Erza gladly took the blame, and once the guard picked them up, the two girls locked hands. They glanced back to their friends and smiled. "Don't worry about us!" They mouthed.

The two girls were tied up and badly tortured, Erza got her left eye removed and Emma got her right eye removed. 
Jellal soon snuck in to save them but he saw this and he screamed. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEIR EYES!?" He screamed. Once the guards heard him, Jellal took their place and they threw Emma and Erza back into the jailcell. Milianna wrapped the two in the tightest hug ever.
"We have to go save Jellal!!" Emma declared. She grabbed onto the bars and tried to push open the cell but nothing happened.

One day, the whole place broke out. The slavers were fighting the guards. Emma and Erza took this chance to go save Jellal. But, he was different... He rejected them and pushed them down.  Emma and Erza flied from that dreadful place that day and traveled to Magnolia.

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