Erza's Return!

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"Erza's due back anytime now." Gray said with a sigh. Emma, Lucy, Natsu and Happy had just gotten back from a mission. Well... They was one their way back anyway, when suddenly Gray popped out of nowhere! When Natsu heard the male's words, His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped. 
"The Erza!? Woah!" Lucy asked in shock and slight excitement. 
Happy then spoke with a fish in his mouth. "Yeah, She's the most powerful woman in all of fairytail!" Emma, Natsu and Gray all had their head's down. Emma didn't say anything. 
"I can't wait to meet her! But, I never even seen a picture of her in sorcerer weekly or anything. What's she like?" Lucy asked while looking at the other four sulking wizards.   
"Scary..." They all answered in a somewhat gloomy expression. 
"Wild animal."
"Vile beast.."
"More like a full on monster!" 
Emma kinda just sighed. "She's pretty scary.."
They were all picturing Erza as a huge monster.
"She's not that big, you guys." Happy said, munching on his fish.
"Well... She's big enough for me!" Natsu said while hunching over.
"One thing we can all agree on is, she is definitely scary. Maybe a little scarier." gray said with his arms crossed.
Natsu, Emma, Gray and Happy imagined a Huge Erza kicking down a mountain with a SINGLE KICK.
"She's about this scary.."
"What?! No way. I bet she could take down at least THREE mountains with just a single kick."
"No need to go overboard.. Its more about two."
Emma shook her head. "She's not that scary.."
"Even if she's able to kick down a single mountain.. It's still scary."
"Like I said, We should get back." Gray suggested.
"Crap! Let's get movin'-!"

Then all of a sudden, a big blast hit the cliff they was sitting on.
Natsu was stuck in the ground, along with Emma, Lucy and Gray. But Happy was gone!
"What now.." Gray sighed.
"Happy!" Natsu looked at his tied up friend with sand spilling from his mouth.
"Help me..." Happy said with a gloomy expression while being tied above a fire.
Happy was trembling on the pole.

"Hah! No need to worry. You're gonna be in our belly's soon, so no need to be scared." A small green guy said to the cat.
Happy sewatdropped. "Actually, I'm not shaking cause i'm scared! I gotta use the bathroom really bad!"
They all looked at him in shock and surprise.
"I can't hold it much longer, And i bet'cha it's gonna make me taste weird!"
"Who cares? Now cook him!" The small green guy ordered.
The chicken soon used fire magic to engulf his lance in fire.
"Hey, I'm being serious.. Its gonna make me taste funny, I just know it will!" 

"Hold it right there!!" Natsu said from a cliff, Emma, Gray and Lucy behind him.
"Happy!" Lucy yelled out.
"Thank goodness! No i'm not gonna taste weird!"

"Pipe down!" The green guy demanded.

Natsu cracked his knuckles. "That's our friend you're trying to roost there, buddy. Sorry but you guys are gonna have to make other plans for dinner!"
"You're all wizards, aren't you?" Emma asked, placing a hand on her hip.
"What guild are you with!?" Gray asked with narrow eyes.

"I'm not tellin'!" Said the green guy. "Get 'em!"

Natsu narrowed his eyes. "Gray, Emma, Let's do it!"
"Alright, But don't go tellin' me what to do." Gray responded.
"Right!" Emma Cracked her knuckles.

As the men charged at them, Natsu punched one of the orange haired one's in the face. Gray avoided the chicken guy and Emma just stepped to the side, allowing the smaller orange haired Wizard to pass her by.
"Sand dome, Go!" The small guy with green skin trapped Natsu in a sand like dome.
"Natsu!" Lucy yelled.
"He's fine!" Emma reassured.
"Just go and help happy!" Gray demanded.
"Right!" Lucy nodded.

The two orange haired twins charged at Emma and Gray from above. Emma and Gray jumped into the sky and Emma kneed the first one in the chin and Gray elbowed the other one in the face then kicked him in the head. 

"Help!! Lucy's gonna eat meee!" Happy cried for help while Lucy untied him. 
"Shut up cat! Huh?" She looked over to see a HUGE ASS CHICKEN.
She went wide eyed and put her hands up in defense. "Ahhh! Please don't kill me mister Chicken!"
The chicken was about to hit Lucy with a Fire lance but, Emma kicked it out of his hand. Lucy and Happy took that time and ran off. 
Emma just looked around. 

Gray then appeared in front of a Black haired guy. "I see a special person, But the stars point to trouble with both women and water."   Gray sweat dropped
"You're tellin' my fourteen?" He elbowed him in the nose. 

"He's not using magic.. Wow.." She looked to Gray. "Put some clothes on!"
"Crap!!" She looked down at himself.

"Where did these brats come from anyways!?" The green guy hissed in utter anger. The sand dome he trapped Natsu in soon blew up and Natsu soon landed on his feet.

"Ow~! You jerk! Now i got a mouth full of sand and it's all cause of you!" He wiped his mouth off. He slammed his fists together and his eyes opened wide. "Here it goes... Fire dragon, Iron fist!" He charged at the guy with fire engulfing his right hand.He then punched him right in the jaw, and all of them ended tied up to a pole.

"Don't ya think you might of gone overboard, Natsu?" 
"So what if i did? I got the job done, Right?"
"Grow up already! You're an embarrassment to the guild."

The began their bickering, and Emma sighed, leaning against a tree and yawning. "Both of you shut up!"

"Lulla..." The green guy tied up mumbled.
"Lulla? What's that?"
This grew Natsu's, Gray's and Emma's attention.
"Lullaby?" Gray asked in confusion.

A shadow then approached and knocked the five over.

The five enemies the fairytail wizard's just faced looked terrified. Then the tree they were tied to, suddenly sunk underground, taking the enemies with it.
"What was that!?" Lucy asked in shock.
"Who was that?" Natsu asked in curiosity.
"Well whoever it was.. They was fast." Gray rubbed his head.
"I can't even sense their presence anymore.." Emma said with a sigh.
"But, What could this mean..?" Natsu asked.
"Lullaby..." Lucy mumbled in worry.

But soon, a girl with red hair and Armor walked through the two of Magnolia, holding a huge fang with one hand. Erza scarlet was back.

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