Natsu Vs Erza

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"The Esienwald Guild may had been defeated, But that is just one small victory in a much larger battle. "
"The number of dark guilds have been growing at an alarming rate. "
"We have to come up with a plan to eliminate them all."
"But how do we do that?"
One of the council members held up the death flute. "How ever it's done, we cannot allow Zeref's magic to fall into the wrong hand's again." 
"I don't understand how Esienwald was able to gain a tool of forbidden magic in the first place."
"I hate to say it but, the blame may extent all the way to the highest level's."
"Whatever the case, although their usually just a thorn in our side's, it seems Fairytail proved to be quite useful."
"They took down an entire Guild with a handful of wizards. That is quite a defeat."
All of the council members began to argue over rather Fairytail was useful in the whole Esienwald problem but, A man named Jellal soon interrupted their babbling. 
"You may not want to accept it but, that's the reality of the situation. In the end, The attack on the guild masters was prevented, lives were spared. And, none of us had to give up our hard earned positions on this council to save them."
"You fool! Are you saying the Council is somehow to blame!?"
"I've had enough of this! Fairytai l's good deeds are overdone by the destruction they always leave behind!"
Jellal soon planted a deadly smirk on his face. "Then why don't we take the opportunity to discuss it with them?"



'Esienwald's failed attempt to attack the guild masters with lullaby, ended up being big news! It made all the papers and it seemed like everyone was talking about it! Before joining Fairytail, i never would have imagined i would of been part of such a big event. It feel's awesome but, i'm not gonna let it go to my head. It still make's my heart skip a beat when i think about everything we went through.. I heard they caught most of the Esienwald members that were involved. The real scary thing is.. They haven't been able to track down Erigor.. I'm worried he might show up at Fairytail looking for revenge! But, I'll be okay! Cause i'm with the guild's strongest team! Erza, Gray, Natsu and Emma have my back No matter what! And not to mention happy! Fairytail is awesome, and my fellow members are really great people! So don't worry mom! I'm doing fine. 

P.S Please don't tell dad any of this, Kay?'

After sealing the letter up, Lucy stretched her arms upwards and smiled. "Maybe i'll do a bit of shopping later.. Saving the world is nice and all but, it's nice to just sit back and relax."
"Man, 70,000 jewel a month is dirt cheap for a place like this-.You totally scored Lucy." Gray was sitting on a chair behind Lucy, of course.. With his clothes OFF!! 

"Intruder ALERT!!!!" After that, she swung her leg and kicked him right in the ribs. "No strippin' in my house, buddy!!"
"Hold on, gimme a minute to explain! I was naked when i got here, okay?"
"G E T O U T!" She pointed at the door.
"So you forgot about today huh? I figured you would forget so i came by to remind you."
"About what?" 
"Well, lemme try and jog you're memory."
Emma then popped in the window and jumped down on Lucy's bed. "Remember when Natsu challenged Erza on our mission!?"
"Hey!!! Where did you come from!?" Lucy shouted, pointing at Emma. 
"Well I didn't think the stripper would get here in time! So i decided to come and get'cha! Anyways...Remember when Natsu challenged Erza At the train station? They're about to fight their rematch!" Emma threw her hands in the air. "I can't wait to see Natsu get the hell beat outta him!!"

Lucy gasped and went wide eyed. She rushed to the spot where people gathered and pushed her way through, Emma following close behind her. Along with Gray of course. 
"NO WAY! They're really going through with it!?"
"Oh, Hey Lucy!"Mira-jane smiled happily and waved.
"Well, if those two value their manhood they better go through with it!" Elfman stated out.
Emma blinked and looked at elfman. "Uhhh, Erza isn't a man!"
Macao sighed. "But you gotta admit, She's manly."
Lucy sighed. "Aren't you worried this fight could tear our strongest team apart?"
"Strongest Team?" Emma glanced over to Lucy.
"What are you talkin' about?" Gray asked while looking at Natsu and Erza.
"You, Natsu, Erza and Emma ya dummy! You're the four strongest wizards in the guild!"
"We are?" Emma questioned in confusion.
"What idiot fed ya that lie?"Gray blinked.
Mira-jane then started crying.
"O-Oh! You're not an Idiot Mira!!" Gray tried to reassure her. 
"Smooth move, stripper!" Emma hissed.
"I'll hand it to Natsu and Gray. Their strong little dudes. But neither of them are even close to being the strongest. They aren't even in Erza's rank." Elfman informed. "There are guys in fairytail that are stronger then both of them combined. Like this guy!" He pointed to himself.
Levy smiled and got in on the conversation. "But calling Erza the strongest woman in the guild is a pretty safe bet."
Emma sulked and crossed her arms. "I bet I could beat Erza with my pinky finger..."
Levy smiled nervously. "Emma is a pretty great wizard to. She could probably beat Erza."
"As far as the guys go, I'd put my money on  Laxus or Mystogan.." Jet stated out.
Mira-jane started crying again. "All I meant was that the four of them work well together and they have the best team connections in all of Fairytail!" 
"And this is coming from the same person who sent me on that mission to keep Emma, Gray and Natsu from killing each other with Erza wasn't around!?"

Elfman crossed his arms and smirked. "I'm pretty excited to see how this fight turns out."
"Oh yeah?" Gray chuckled.
"Erza is gonna beat the snot outta that pink haired fireball!!" Emma yelled.

"It's been quite a while since we've squared off like this, Hasn't it, Natsu?"
"I was just a little kid back then! Today's gonna be different. 'Cause i'm taking you down Erza!" 
"Well, I'm not gonna go easy on you! IN fact, I have the perfect armor for this occasion." Erza smirked and began to reequip new armor. She changed into her Flame empress armor. Natsu's flame's won't be as effective on her now.

"Wow, Flame empress armor huh? Well, That's good news for me, Cause i can turn up the heat as high as i want too!" Flames engulfed his left and right hands. He soon charged at Erza and swung his right first at Erza. Erza easily jumped backwards, avoiding the attack that Natsu threw at her. Erza slashed her sword at Natsu, but he easily ducked under it and then delivered a kick to the cheek. Erza used her arm to block it, and then before Natsu could move, she slashed at him and jumped back. 
He used his fire dragon roar on her but she easily avoided by moving to the side, now charging at the Pinkette. 

But before the two could get to serious, someone interrupted the fight. "This fight is over! May I have you're attention please?! I have come here on behave of the magic Council. As a result of the Esienwald incident, Two members of you're guild has been charged with 11 accounts with criminal property damage! Erza Scarlet! Emma Mori! You two are under arrest!"
Emma blinked and hid behind Gray. "Noo!!! I don't wanna go back! I didn't do anything!!" 
Natsu blinked. And his eyes went wide. "You're puttin' them under what!?"
________________________-AND THEN-______________________

Once Erza and Emma was taken away everyone sat silently in the guild with gloomy expressions on their faces. 
They had to turn Natsu into a little Lizard, Knowing he'd go after them. "Hey!! This isn't fair, you guys! Lemme out!"
"Natsu! Try to calm down!" Mira demanded. 
"Lemme out!! Pretty pretty please!?" 
"You'll go on a rampage!"
"I'll be good i swear! Now please just turn me back to the way i was before!"
"The second we turn you back, You'll run out to save Erza and Emma!"
"Gimme a break! I could careless what happens to them!"
Gray sighed and opened his eyes. "Even if you wanted to help them, It's not like we could face off with the council."
"But, don't those guys understand that Erza and Emma did what they had to do to save the Guild masters from those bad guys and their evil death flute!?"
"If the magic council says your guilty, then your guilty. End of story. They don't care what we have to say."

"I just don't get it. We've destroyed a bunch of stuff in the past and they never made a big deal outta it." Elfman stated out while he placed his cheek in the palm of his hand. 
"I know.. It doesn't make any sense."

Lucy laid her head on the table by the bar. "It's like.. there's some other reason for this.. "


A frog was leading Emma and Erza down the halls of the huge building, where the trial awaits with the magic council. Emma looked over at Erza with a nervous look. Emma has been in trouble with the magic council before, this wasn't the first time. Erza glanced to Emma and gave her a reassuring smile.

Soon, both of them stopped and glanced to a man leaning against a pillar that was holding up the walls. He had his eyes closed and arms crossed. Once he opened his eyes, he smirked and glanced over to Erza and Emma. Emma jumped and stepped back, Erza just snapped her eyes open.
"Siegrain!" Erza hissed.
"It's been a long time.. Erza, Emma."
Emma looked away, and Erza got into a fighting position.
"Please, Relax you two. I'm only here in spirit. I'm sending this projection from ERA. In fact, All the wrinkled faces in that courtroom are projections too. We didn't think i'd be necessary to be here for such a trivial matter."
Emma narrowed her eyes. "I see, So you're the one behind this!"
Erza glared at him. "You make me sick!"
He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked past the two. "Lets be peaceful. I have always been a defender of Fairytail. But the members are worried that the blame of Clover's destruction will fall into their laps. And the only way to avoid that is to place the blame on someone else entirely. You two are their Scapegoats ."
Erza growled and turned around, and Emma just stepped around a bit. 
"Enough!" Erza shouted.
"Just a friendly warning. In fact, It's another matter all together i wish to discuss with you two.."
He lifted a hand up and placed it on Erza's chin, bending down so the two were face to face. "Don't let a word slip about, 'you know what'."
"Erza!" Emma yelled. "Get off of her, You asshole!" Emma hissed. 
Jellal smirked over at her and chuckled. "The same as ever, Emma."
"Don't even say my name!" 
He smirked and then bent down closer to Erza. "For both of our sakes. You know what i'm talking about too, Emma.. Better not let a word slip out.." He then began to walk away. "I must join my fellow members on the council. I'll see you two shortly, on the other side.." They hologram soon faded away.
The frog looked over to the two of them. "O-oh wow! You guys know some very important people!"
"He's evil.." Erza glared.
Emma clinched her fists and looked down at the ground.
-------------------------------------------AND THEN THIS HAPPENS----------------------------------------------------------

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