Sleepless nights

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Miya's POV
The night John went to jail we went to bed knowing we were safe, knowing we didn't have to worry anymore but also we know the nightmares haven't left us yet. "Night, Sleep well." I heard Alice say before going with Mark to their room. Then me and Justin did the same, entered our rooms for the longest night of our lives.

We were sat on the sofa watching T.V when we heard the door fly open, as we looked over we saw John's arm raised high gun in hand. "Don't Shoot!" I heard Mark shout as he got up and stood in front of us, shielding all of us as the bullet was fired. As he fell to the ground all I could do was stand there watching as he lay in a puddle of his own blood, his skin turning pale as the life left him.

Justin's POV
I woke up in my old bedroom, I started worrying looking around doubting that I was in John's house again. Then everything I feared crashed down on me. "Justin get down here now!" I heard him shout but I was bolted to the bed unable to move. "I'm not going to tell you again, get down here!" Still I couldn't move then I heard his footsteps stomp up the stairs. "You're going to regret not listening to me Justin!" The door was then pushed open, John standing at the door furious as he walked over to me and started kicking and punching me. "Please stop, please." I shouted at him. "I'm sorry, please stop!"

Mark's POV 
"Mark, wake up you've got to go to work!" I heard Alice shout as she shook my shoulder. "I'm up!" I shouted back at her causing her to step back a bit. "Ok, good well breakfast is on the table and Justin and Miya are watching T.V when you are ready to take them to school." As I walked  into the kitchen I was greeted with loud cartoons on the T.V and the sound of an Irish voice coming from Miya's phone. "Can you turn that down a bit." I asked them no response "That wasn't a request!" I then shouted turning to look in the mirror to see John staring back at me.

One by one we woke up first me then Justin and then Miya. As I awoke I looked over to Alice who was also now awake. "You ok?" she asked looking over. "Yeah I'm fine, did I wake you?" She sat up. "No I heard Justin, we should check on them." I got up and went to check on Miya as I didn't hear he wake up. When I looked in I saw Miya sat up staring at the wall. "Miya, are you ok?" She looked over at me "You're alive, You're ok."
"Yeah I am, I'm fine." She got out of bed and walked over to me. "I thought John shot you, I saw him do it, right in front of me." I brought her into a hug as I saw Alice come in with Justin. "Nightmare as well?" I asked him which he responded with a nod. "Want to talk about it?" He shook his head and buried his head in his hands. "It's ok you don't have to."
"John" He muttered lifting his head up. "It was about John."
"That makes all of us then."
"What was yours about?" Miya asked "I'm assuming you had a nightmare as well." I looked at Alice my eyes pleading with her. "Well it is late or early I'm not really sure what you count 2am as but what I do know is we should try and get some more sleep." Alice said leading them back to their rooms. "Night."

As we  were walking back to our room I turned to her "Thanks for that." She pulled me into a hug. "It's ok but are you sure you don't want to talk about it." I looked at her. "You don't have to but it helps, it gets it off your chest." As I got into bed I started talking. "I had a nightmare about turning into John, I know you've told me before that I wont but it's always in the back of my mind. Ever since I knew what he was up to I wished in the back of my mind that I wouldn't turn into him."
"It's alright to worry but for now I think the best idea is to get some rest." I heard Alice say before she kissed me.

Miya's POV
How could I get back to sleep I'll just have the same horrific pictures in my mind. Maybe I should read something... or not as every book in this house is dark or something to do with depression or another weird psychological thing. I walk back over to my bed and sat under the covers staring at the opposite wall, alone with my thoughts yet again, I peered at my phone to check the time '2:34 am' great! I grabbed my phone and started to flick through Twitter even though no new tweets were appearing as everyone is asleep. I went into my texts even though I couldn't text anyone, I just reread my texts from Justin, Mark and Alice. Most of them were about Justin in the hospital getting the chip taken out of his neck or the court meeting. I just wish I could text Justin as he would help, we could just talk about meaningless things or make fun of pictures in the science textbooks Mark has but he's probably trying to or is asleep.

Justin's POV 
As I sat on my bed facing the wall I laughed at the idea of going back to sleep tonight. I looked over at my phone for the time '2:37am' I put it back down and got up and walked over to the wall, on the other side of this wall is Miya I thought as my phone vibrated. As I read it I smiled 'Justin, are you awake' it was a text from Miya, I immediately text back 'yeah do you want to hang out in my room?'
'Yeah, I'll bring one of Marks science textbooks.'

A few minutes later there was a light knock on my door, I opened the door to see Miya with two textbooks and some sweets. " I found them in the back of the cupboard." As she sat down we opened the first page if the book to reveal a picture of a girl with a spring facing a boy with a bouncy ball and immediately we started creating funny captions. By the end of the textbook we had finished the whole bag of sweets and I was struggling to stop myself from bursting out with laughter.

Alice's POV  
When I woke up in the morning I snuck out of bed to check on Miya and Justin as Mark was out cold. I opened Miya's door to an empty room and started worrying but as I opened Justin's door I saw them asleep next to an empty packet of sweets and two open textbooks and smiled walking back to our room and back into bed. I heard Mark mumble in his sleep "I love you guys, nothings going to happen to us." As he turned over putting his arm around me.


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