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Justin's POV

"Justin, Wake up you've got to get up for school!" I heard a sweet voice say. I opened my eye's to see who it was, Mum. "Come on sleepy head breakfast's on the table." I watched as she left the room then got up and dressed before running down the stairs to see mum, dad and my little sister at the table, she's only two years younger then me but I still use it as an excuse to be in charge. "So do you know any of your new teachers?" I asked her as she was moving into the school. "I've got Mrs Prior as my science teacher and I've got a guy as my mentor, oh what's his name?" She looked annoyed as she racked her brain for the answer. "He's quite young, I think 24, brown hair. I got it Mr Chapman!" She exclaimed. I perked up when I heard his name everyone wanted him as their teacher. "My friends Jack has him he's really cool but I have Mrs Prior for my science she's nice if you behave so you'll be fine." I told her nudging her slightly. I got back to my breakfast when I heard a knock on the door.

"Justin!" I heard someone call from the kitchen. "Breakfast is on the table." I dragged myself out of bed, my brain whirring ab out my dream. Mum looked so real! I've only seen one picture of mum, it was on my dads desk with a dusty frame and the corner of the glass broken, but that was years ago she probably would have look different now. I never met her or heard stories about her as Dad didn't talk about her much but I wish I did. "Are you ready for school today, Justin?" I just shrugged at Mark and started eating the bowl of cereal sat in front of me. "What are we doing in mentor today?" I heard Miya chirp up from the other side of the table. "Well technically I have to do a silent reading morning but I could get you out of it." She nodded and turned to me "Do you want to as well Justin?" I nodded as well. "It's boring!" I heard Mark whisper something to Alice making her laugh "What!"
"He speaks" Mark exclaimed laughing before getting up to put his coffee mug in the dishwasher. "Ok we are going to leave in 10 so make sure you've got everything." With that he walked to his room and closed the door. "So how are you this morning, Justin?" Alice said turning to face me. "I'm ok, I guess."
"That's good, good." she said as she looked out the window as her thoughts trailed off. I looked to her eye line and saw a police officer get out of the car and walk towards the door. Then there was a knock on the door. I watched Alice get up and open the door. I heard the booming voice of the police officer. "Good morning Madam  we have been informed that Justin Wilkinson lives here can I talk to him please?" As soon I heard my name I walked towards the door. "Hey Justin can I talk to you alone for a few minutes." I nodded and he followed me to my room.

"Do you know why I'm here?" I just shook my head scared about the presence of the police in my room. "I'm here to talk to you about your dad."
"Ok" I said finally mustering up the courage to speak but still in a nervous tone. "As you know he's in prison but we have found someone who could be your legal guardian."
"But what about where I am now with Mark and Alice?"
"Well this person is your actual family and it would be better for you."
"Well I don't know...?"
"Will you at least meet her?" I sighed then answered "Ok then." Before following him to the police car. "See you later!"

Mark's POV
"Where is he off to with that police officer?" I asked walking towards Alice. "I don't really know, they talked for a little bit before the police took him to the car."
"Was he in handcuffs?"
"No, why would he be? Why would you even say that?"
"I don't know, it was just a little joke, nothing more, nothing less." I watched as Miya walked out of her room. "You ready to go?" She just nodded before following me to the car.

During mentor I looked over at Miya, who looked so bored, reading a book from the box of spares in the corner. "Miya concentrate on the book or I'll have to send you out!" I shouted making her jump a little. A few minutes later looked up at her again she was reading her book. "Right! Outside Miya!" she got up before her friend stopped her. "No, she hasn't done anything, she was reading!"
"I suggest Sophie that if you don't want detention too you'll get back to reading!" She sat back down as I watched Miya walk out the door, I closed my laptop and walked to the door, looked at the class all reading before going out to talk to Miya. "Ok, act like I'm shouting at you." I told her "But why?" she looked up at me as I moved her so if anyone did look out they wouldn't notice I was gone. "Because I'm going to get Kasper, so we can talk to him." I said before going down the stairs to Mrs Priors mentor. I knocked on the door a few times before Mrs Prior came to the door, its always awkward talking to her before I met Alice we had a thing for a little while and then Alice came along and broke it off with her. "Hey Mark!" She said biting her top lip. "How's life, you still with Alice?" She looked me intently in the eyes "Yeah we got married a few months ago and a baby on the way." Her eyes turned angry "What do you want then?"
"I need to talk to Kasper about something, Kasper Keeling."
"Ok if you insist!" she turned to her class. "Kasper, you need to go talk to Mr Chapman." As he got up and gathered his things she turned to me "So how long do you need him for?" I looked at my watch. "Till the end of mentor ." she sighed and went back to her desk. "See you later." She called to me. "And that's why I avoid the staff room," I muttered to myself.

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