One Big Family

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                     Miya's POV
"Smile!" I heard the nurse say as we were huddled around the hospital bed wt Alice holding Harvey in it, I was to the right of the bed next to Justin as Mark as n the left his arm around Alice as the picture was taken his eyes sometimes wondering down to Harvey, who was now asleep. "So ow old are your other kids?" I heard the nurse ask Alice and Mark as I was sat n the chair facing the window whilst Justin was drawing. "Well Miya is 14 and Justin is almost 15, in a month. I guess." Mark stated, the nurse giving them a confused look. "Sorry but you seem unite young to have a 15 year old." The nurse said looking at me and smiling. "No it's ok I guess that would be confusing." Mark said pausing for a bit. "We adopted them, I mean we never planned to adopt but I teach them and found out what they had been trough and it kind of just led to where we are today." Mark explained finishing is thought before Harvey started to cry in is arms.

After the doctor and nurses had left we ears a knock at the door and Alice shouted. "Come in!" When the door opened I saw Alice's friend, we've never met her because when Alice hangs out with them we are at school or in or rooms. "Oh my gosh he's so cute." Her friends squealed. "I know, he's been so peaceful, do you want t hold him Beth?" Alice was tired but had mustered up the strength as another visitor came in. "Hey Mark how are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Yeah I'm pod Simon just tired." I heard Mark reply to Mr Teller, it was really strange seeing him outside of school especially in such a personal situation like this. At 11 Beth had to leave for work but Mr Teller was still talking to Mark, Alice had fallen asleep so Avery lay in Marks arms as he was across from Mr Teller. Justin was sat on the windowsill earphones in, I think he was asleep but couldn't be bothered to get up from thisuncomfortable leather hospital chair almost falling asleep myself.

                      Mark's POV
After Simon had left and everyone else was asleep I was sat in the chair nearest to the bed looking down at Harvey ad smiled to myself, this kid is going to have a safe and fun life noting bad is ever going to happen to him and I'm going to make sure of it. There was a lift tap in the door that I almost didn't notice. "You're going to be a great dad, not that you already aren't." The voice made me turn around quick "Mum what are you doing here?" I haven't seen her in ages my parents still live in York. "I'm here to see you're little man.' She answered as Harvey gurgled in my arms. "Can I?" I passed Harvey over as she started to rock him slowly. "You're dad would've been here but he has work in the morning and it's a long drive." I heard Alice stir in the bed. "Good morning honey." I said to her. "Morning." Her voice still seemed weak as Harvey whimpered a little. "Oh I think this little one is hungry." My mum said as Harvey was passed over, my mum moving to sit next to me. "You know when you told me earlier this year that you were having a child I would never have thought you'd have 3 beautiful smart children. No matter what happens they'll find a way to sort it out. They get it from you." She was rubbing my back as she said this in a comforting way. I looked over to Justin and Miya, then to Harvey and I couldn't get the smile off my face. "They are great, aren't they?"

I woke up during the middle of the night to whispering next to me. I looked over to see Miya sat in the chair but it was too dark to see what she was doing, I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder making her look up at me. "He started crying and you two were bot asleep so I started to rock him, like my mum taught me when Leo was little." She told me as my eyes focused to see Harvey asleep holding onto Miya's little finger. "You didn't have to do that, it's our job to look after him you need your sleep." I told her but she just shook her head. "I want to help you." I put my arm on the side of the chair leaning slightly as I reached down to stroke Harvey's head. "We have nothing to worry about." I said "You see me and Alice were worried but now he is here and we've seen you guys with him, there is nothing to worry about."

Justin's POV
I woke up feeling pretty cold especially in the face but when I opened my eyes I realised why, my face was pressed against the large window and sitting on the large windowsill that reminded me of when after those terrible nights at John's all I wanted was to be pressed against something cold. "Look who is finally awake." Alice announced making the other two look over at me. "I'm going to guess you weren't woken up by Harvey at any point last night?" Mark asked bags under his eyes as I shook my head. "But you're worth it aren't you?" He added looking down at a gurgling Harvey. I got down from the windowsill and walked over holding out my finger that Harvey grabbed onto. When I wriggled away from the tiny grip Harvey started to cry. "I think he wants to hang with you." Mark said passing him to me making him stop crying. "I guess you were right." 

"Have we got everything?" Alice asked Mark as his arms where already full of bags and juggling them so he could open the door. "I hope so because I've run out of arms." He replied dropping a bottle on the floor. "I got it." I picked it up and caught up with Miya. "So how was your long sleep?" She asked smugly "Very good I guess first one with no nightmares in ages." She smiled at me. "Maybe Harvey is going to make everything better." We started getting into the car along with the two bags and hospital bag they gave us. "Who's going to go in the middle then?" Alice asked looking between me and Miya. " Well Miya is younger." I said "But that doesn't mean anything." She argued, quite weakly, back at me before Mark suggested rock, paper, scissors that I won anyway.

Mark's POV 
"Everything good back there?" I shouted to the back  as Miya looked at Justin annoyed as she was sat in the middle of him and Harvey. "At least you get to talk to both of them." I replied making Justin laugh slightly. "We can have some serious conversations about how to talk baby taught by the best teacher in the field this new born child." Miya replied sarcastically hitting Justin's arm. "Why did you do that?" Justin asked back, I just watched their silly argument. "Because you are so good at this stupid rock, paper, scissors."

When we got to the house, I was still stressed about this new life that brought new responsibilities. We all clambered out the car and somehow I ended up carrying all of the bags again even though I had the only way into the house, the keys. "A little help here." I said sarcastically as Justin grabbed a bag from my hand so I could open the door. "Ok so I feel like should put Harvey in our room, in the cot so he can have a sleep." I suggested "Ok who has Harvey?" I looked at Alice. "Damn he's in the car." She said opening the door. "First day at home and we have forgotten the child in the car." She added annoyed at herself. "At least we didn't leave him at the hospital, I mean that's a plus." Miya said jokily but I don't think that it helped the situation much.

Miya's POV
"I bet you'll have to wake up a good six times during the night." I said as Alice laughed. "It may actually be more but it's all part of the fun I guess."
"And plus we can use it as an excuse to stop him complaining when he's older. I mean we can't really say that 'we got up every night several times to make sure you stayed alive and well.' to you can we?"  Mark said "But we have kept you alive in a way though." Alice pointed out to us. "We can't escape the excuses that easily then." Justin said a sarcastic annoyance in his voice. "But I guess you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if we died because of you." I made the point of saying. "That's a bit deep isn't it way to ruin the conversation." Mark said chuckling awkwardly. "And plus that's the same as keeping a baby alive just with less danger involved." There was a comforting warmth in the room that hasn't been in most of our lives for a while now, everything felt better.

When I was getting ready for bed I wasn't scared of the dreams awaiting me, I was excited to see something other then John's sick face looking straight into my soul. He was gone, locked away hopefully like the dreams of him will be. Everything is starting to feel complete now like we were one big family that could conquer anything, I mean we basically already have. The only thing left is the heavy weights in our minds weighing us down even in the best moments. That should be easy now it's like we have a candle that's going to help us out of this maze of darkness forever.


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