Normal Again

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Miya's POV
"Can you just explain it again, I don't understand."
"I want to live with Mark and Alice, I love you but it hasn't felt right." I tried to explain to my mum again. "What did I do? You can tell me." She put her hand on top of mine. "You've done nothing wrong it's just..." I let out a sigh not knowing how to explain this "You can't trust us." My mum finished my sentence her eyes looked drained. "Well I guess if you feel that way..." She took a pause "What do I have to do?" I grabbed the form from my backpack and turned to the back page where she had to sign. "Before I do this I want to meet them."

When we had got to Mark's house I looked over to mum. "They're really nice." She looked over to me "I know its just last time I put him in prison what's he going to think of me now." I ran up to the door and rang the doorbell. "Don't worry." The door opened almost instantly. "Hello?" Mark said as he opened the door looking shocked to see us. "Hey! My mum wanted to meet you properly, with a clear mind." I told him my mum smiling at him before putting out her hand. "I don't think you ever found out my name, I'm Alison." He shook her hand. "Do you want to come in, Alice should be home soon. Oh and Miya, Justin should be in his room if you want to see him." As we stepped in I went straight to the door to Justin's room knocking on it. ~"Hey it's Miya can I come in?" The door immediately opened. "Miya!" Justin shouted bringing me into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much!"

Mark's POV
I watched as Miya walked into Justin's room happy that they are still friends, Miya's mum was stood awkwardly by the door. "You can sit down if you want." The tension was thick in the air and the silence was strangely deafening as I wished to get out of this situation. That's when the doorbell went. I got up to answer the door and saw Alice's face drop as she saw Alison behind me. "What is she doing here?" Alison stood up. "Miya just wanted to see Justin and i wanted to meet you properly. I'm Alison by the way." Alice was stood slightly leaning next to me. "So who wants a drink? Tea? Coffee?" I offered turning to Alison. "I'll have a tea if that's alright." Her gaze went to Alice along with mine. "I'll have a tea as well." She walked around the sofa. "I'm just going to say hi to Miya quick."
"So when is the baby due?" Alison asked me. "um..quite soon it'll be nice, make this place happier I think." I answered passing her the mug before taking a sip of mine. "Will you have enough room though?"
"Well the baby is going to stay in our room for a little bit then move it into the room next to Justin's." She nodded as she took a sip of her tea. "Do you know what you're having?" That's when Alice walked in again. "We are having a little baby boy." I said looking to Alice. "Harvey." She lent herself against me as I put my arm around her. Then Alison said something that threw me off. "So where is Miya's room going to be?"

Justin's POV
"I've missed you so much." She said letting her sit down on the bed as I sat at my desk. "What have you been up to lately?" She asked me as I plugged my phone into the speaker putting ATL on. "Well I met this man called Joel, he's really nice. I think he's coming round tomorrow, you should meet him." I told her. "Oh my mum told me about him what does he actually do?" She was playing with her fingers when she asked me. "Well he's like a therapist but we don't talk in a formal way which is nice I guess." I don't know why this felt so awkward, we used to hang out all the time like this. "You don't have to sit so far away, come sit next to me." Miya said patting the space next to her. "So what about you?" I asked as I sat down next to her. "Well it's been a rollercoaster I guess. I thought it would be nice to live with them again but I don't ." I didn't know what to do with myself so I awkwardly shuffled in my seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. "I can't wait to be living here again and when the baby is born he's going to be so cute." She put her hand on my shoulder making me feel a little uncomfortable, I didn't really know if me and Zoey were still a thing.

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