We meet again

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Mark's POV
After the court meeting when I was being taken away by a guard, I looked up to see his name badge which read Bernard. I looked over at Alice talking to a police office who put his hand on her shoulder sympathetically as she was crying. I heard someone shout for Justin. "Is there a Justin Wilkinson in here." Justin walked toward the guy who shouted for him. "Come this way." The guard demanded as he tugged on the handcuffs. We started walking through the long hallway of the court house.
We walked through the school past terrified students and teachers trying to stop us but he just kept walking and I was forced to follow him. When we reached the office he asked the receptionist to open the door, but they refused. One went for the phone picking it up and pressing three numbers. I could feel his grip getting tighter something cold pressed against my head. When I looked to see what it was I quickly regretted it as I looked straight into the barrel of a gun.
"In the car!" The guard ordered, I did as he asked as I felt a weight on my head of his hand pushing it down gently. This car ride was different, it was silent. The silence was starting to slowly eat me up inside when the car started to slow down to reveal the massive gates of the prison.

Justin's POV
"Justin I need to talk to you alone." Shane said as he brought me away from Alice who was crying whilst a police officer tried to calm her down. "You need to say goodbye to Alice and Miya then come with me ok?" I was confused why I have to go with him. "But why? What about Alice she can look after me." He got down to my eye level. "You can't stay with her anymore buddy. She'll be trying to get used to this change and won't have time to look after you with all the legal things." I nodded and walked over to Miya as they were leaving. "Hey I've got to go with Shane but will still text each other" She brought me into a hug before answering. "We will get through this ok and what ever happens we have each other. Mark is going to be fine and Alice will. Once he is out you can go back to them and hopefully see me again." She lulled away from the hug and looked me in the eyes. "You can text me whenever, I will talk to you. Call me if you want just don't feel like you're alone." Tears appeared in her eyes as she hugged me again. "See you later." She waved as her mum led her out the door and Alice came up behind me. "I'm sorry but this is better for you. I'm not emotionally stable enough with all that's happened. If you come with me and Shane we can grab the bags from my car and Shane can take you to the house." I followed her as we walked out the doors of the courthouse. "You don't have to lie to me, I know it's an orphanage!"
"I know but it doesn't have to be a negative place, just think it's a place to stay until Mark comes back." She said passing me a suitcase and a rucksack before I went with Shane. I waved to her before I walked to Shane's car. "It's going to be ok." Shane said putting a hand on my back before unlocking his car.
When we got to the 'place' Shane took me into the reception where a quite young woman took my bags and led me upstairs. "So this is your room, it's got a wardrobe and a desk. Curfew is 9pm and lights out by 10. Breakfast is at 8am then Monday to Friday we'll take you to the school down the road other then that it's free time. You can do what you want." She placed the bags on the bed and left the room. When she had left I took out my phone and placed the headphones in my ears before blasting Green Day's new album through them and walked out into the living room and sitting down on one of the sofas.

"Hey!" A boy shouted as he ripped a headphone out of my ear. "What!" I replied angrily as I put the headphone back in. "I'm trying to talk to you." He grabbed the wire and puled both out causing my ears to sting. "What?" I asked sitting up on the sofa. "Why are you here?" He asked "Same reason as you." I answered in an angry tone. "No but what did your parents do?" Why was he so interested in my life? "It's more what my dad did."

"What did he do?" He sat down next to me. "He was abusive." I mumbled "I didn't hear you, what did you say?" He said obviously to annoy me I got up to leave the room but he stopped my pushing me back against the sofa. "What did he do?" His eyes were stern and his voice tough. I stood up and looked him straight in the eyes "He was abusive, and went to prison!" I shouted "I lived with two really nice people for a while, Mark and Alice. Mark went to prison for a stupid reason and Alice couldn't look after me. Did that answer your question well enough?" I pushed past him hearing bursts of laughter from groups behind me.

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