Chapter 7: Drifting Apart

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"Jenna why don't you tell me about when you first noticed that you and Jc were drifting apart?"

I gulped. "Alright."

Jc and I had made plans to hang out. The day we were supposed to hang out, I was getting ready. I picked up my phone to text Jc.

"I'm on my way," I texted.

I received a reply just a minute or two later. "Oh my gosh! I completely forgot. I'm not home. I'm so sorry!" he replied.

I honestly felt broken after reading that. It hurt that he forgot about me. "No worries. Maybe another day?" I texted back.

"Of course. Love you babe," he replied. I sighed.

I dialed Ricky's number. Maybe Ricky and I could hang out. I haven't hung out with just Ricky in ages. He answered after the third ring.

"Jenna? Jenna Mendez? Is that you actually calling me?" he asked pretending to be shocked.

"Hey Ricky," I giggled. "I thought maybe we could hang out?"

"Uh yeah sure. What do you want to do?"

"Well I was just thinking I could just come over there and just you know, hang out?"

"Yeah sure."

"Okay I'll be over there in like 15 minutes or so."

"Okay see you then," Ricky said.

I got in my car and drove over to Ricky's. Once I got there, I just walked right in.

"Honey, I'm home!" I shouted.

Ricky came into the living room where I was and hugged me. We sat down on the couch and watched What Not To Wear. I loved watching this show with him. Ricky's reactions were just priceless.

"Gurl your weave is ratchet!" he shouted at the TV and bursted out into laughter.



"Where did Jc even go today?"

"He-" Ricky was cut off by Jc and some girl walking in and laughing together.

She was tall, skinny and had long wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Jenna...hey," Jc said.

"Hey Jc. Who's this?" I asked.

"Oh this is Melody. She's a friend of mine," he replied.

"Oh hey. I'm Jenna," I replied awkwardly to Melody.

"Oh you're the famous Jenna! Hi!" she shouted hugging me.

I just stood there awkwardly waiting for her to stop. I immediately felt jealous. Jc ditched hanging out with me to hang out with Melody.

"I was actually just leaving," I said and walked toward the door.

"Leaving? You just got here!" Ricky said.

"I'll be back tomorrow to hang out with you, Ricky. I promise," I said as I grabbed my keys and walked out of the door.

I don't know why I felt so hurt. Was Jc cheating on me with Melody? I knew I was jumping to conclusions, but that's just how I felt honestly.

I sighed finishing up the story. I wasn't crying this time, but I sure felt like it.

"Good Jenna. We're really making progress. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay," I said with no emotion.

Even after telling Dr. Wilson everything, I didn't feel any better. Why do I feel like she's just using me for her own entertainment?


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