Chapter 3 - Ryder's p.o.v

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I really did like that small town, unlike the others we'd lived in. It felt comfortable; It felt homey. I already had two new bros, Hayden and Drake. Even better news is that Mom told Kristy and I that night, after Cupcake left, that she liked it here and we were going to stay for good. I had already been labeled the official badass of our new school because I'd already made out with seven different girls. Speaking of girls, Lily, or Cupcake as I call her, was different. She's special.

 At first I flirted with her using my bad boy style, because she's hot. But after we got assigned to work together on that project and she came over to my house, I noticed something. Do you believe in love at first sight? I do. She reminded me of Mandy. She's very distrusting, and I knew she'd been through some hardship in her life. I also figured that at some point, a boy she loved backstabbed her. She's cautious and careful, so unlike all of the other girls were. So much like Mandy.

The flutter started and I knew I wanted her. When I realized this, I started really flirting with her. Flirting like I flirted with Mandy. Flirting like I hadn't flirted in two years. We laughed and I tickled her, something Mandy used to love. And for two blissful moments I was happy. Then I had the flashback. It was a happy one, but all flashbacks were painful for me.

"Ryder, stop!" Mandy said, giggling. "No chance!" I said, continuing to tickle her. Tears were running down her cheeks and I was laughing, too. Suddenly I knew. I knew the time was right and I had to do it. I grabbed her arms and pulled us both to a standing position. Her laughter trailed off as she looked at me. Quick as a flash, I leaned in and kissed her. She pulled away. "I can't do this," she whispered. "Oh, Ryder, I just can't!" "I know, baby. But it's time to let the past go and embrace the future." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She looked up at me, so scared and innocent. And then I saw the one thing I'd wanted to see in her eyes for weeks now. Trust. We leaned in and our lips touched to form the first of many magic moments.

The pain and yearning for what I once had had shocked me. I had thought that time would heal the wound. But then it was back, fresher than ever. All because of Cupcake. I knew I'd never truly get over Mandy.  I just learned to live without her. But then, that girl was here. So distrusting. So innocent. So sweet. So scared. So Mandy. I liked her. I knew I'd only met her recently, but I could tell. I thought she was the one for me.

But at that moment, I was captured by my flashback. I stopped tickling her and climbed on my bed, hoping to stop the painful memories. Don't do that again, I commanded my brain. It wasn't until I saw the look on Cupcake's face did I realize I said it aloud. Judged by her expression, she thought I was a bitch. But Cupcake is special, and I was determined to win her over. Somehow, some way, I was going to earn her trust.

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