Chapter 17 - A Fight, Tears, And Love

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At school, something surprising but not surprising happened. I had a fight with Claudia.

She started it, though. God, I sound like a little kid. But it's true.

Claudia walked up to my locker, leaning against it annoyingly. "What do you want?" I asked angrily. "Your boyfriend," she replied. I rolled my eyes. "I thought you got the message yesterday," I said clenching my fists. She laughed haughtily. "Do you realize who you're talking to?" "If you mean a bitch, then yes," I replied quickly. She walked towards me. I pointed. "Not in front of these douches," I said. "Let's take it outside."

We met in the field behind the school. Each one of us was acting on pure gut reflex, adrenaline, and fury. We each wanted to win so bad it hurt. I felt like I needed to win, for Ryder and our relationship. But at the same time, I felt like I was breaking a bond. I shrugged the feeling off and prepared to fight. Despite the normal stereotype, Claudia is a decent enough fighter. I'd have my hands full.

Claudia swung the first punch, a mean one directed to my jaw. I ducked just in time, and her fist connected with a wooden sign. I retaliated harshly, sending a ferocious uppercut in her direction, but she blocked it. As quick as lightning, she punched me in the gut. I could feel the bruise forming. My fury mounted and I hit her square in the face, leaving a fist-sized bruise on her cheek. As she was putting her fingers to her face, I jabbed at her stomach. She doubled over, gasping for breath. I took this opportunity to kick her in the balls. She let out an earsplitting shriek and danced around, her eyes watering from the pain. I kicked again and made solid contact with one of her kneecaps. She fell over and laid there, exhausted. I smiled at my victory and left.

I found Ryder and told him what had happened. He was proud of me!


After school, Ryder and I went to my house to hang out. We went to my room and surfed YouTube. I showed him some funny cat videos, which were the subject of his teasing that night. What did he show me? PewDiePie. After about an hour of this, Ryder asked, "Are you okay, Cupcake?"

Fuck. He must have noticed me clutching the bedsheets. "You look pale," he noted with concern. "Do you feel all right?" Wordlessly I pointed out the window to the darkening sky. His face went soft, and he pulled me in for a hug. I fell into his arms, shaking, trembling with fear. "Ssh," he whispered, stroking my hair. "It's okay." Thunder boomed and I whimpered. But Ryder had gone stiff. I pulled back to look at his face. It was pale. Tears gathered behind his lashes, and I knew he must be remembering Mandy.

Soon he snapped out of it and pulled me into his arms again. The tears began to fall seconds later, a painful flashback of an argument with my father beginning.

                                                                ***Beginning of Flashback***

"Please?" I begged. "Sweetie, I told you no." "But why not?" "You don't need to be out with a bunch of boys in the middle of the night!" He said. "We won't do anything!" I protested. "I said no, and that is the end of it!" "Fine!" I yelled and ran up the stairs. I cussed him in my sleep that night.


I cried harder. It hurt to remember our argument, just weeks before he died. Ryder hugged me tighter. I looked out the window and the storm was stopping. I let out a huge breath and collapsed on the bed, Ryder on top of me. He looked down at me and I could feel his love, it was so strong. He whispered in my ear, "I love you." I fell asleep with his lips pressed against mine.

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