Chapter 22 - Lots of Surprises

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Lily's p.o.v

Mia's birthday is tomorrow! I can't wait for her party. At the moment, Amber, Ethan, Hayden, Ryder, I, Alex, and Michelle are gathered around Drake as he goes over the plans for Mia's surprise birthday party. I hope she likes what we have planned out. We're going to the beach first, where we'll hang a banner from two palm trees. The usual cake and presents, all at the beach. Then we're all going to have a massive water balloon fight by the cabins. Finally, Drake is taking her to her favorite café to sum up the evening. Tomorrow is going to be so fun. It'll be the biggest celebration of my life. After all, Mia is turning eighteen.

I've already bought Mia's present, but Ethan and Amber still have to get her one, so they're going to the mall together today to shop. Hope they find the right ones.

Drake won't say what he is getting Mia, but it must be something really special because he looks like he's just about to burst.

I really hope that Mia enjoys her impromptu party. She's been acting strange lately. Quiet, distant. Which is a big change from her normal bubbly, outgoing, loud self. Every morning she gets up and runs out to the woods, no matter where she is or what she's doing. Every morning, and she stays for some time. Amber and I think we know what's wrong with her, but we're afraid to ask. We don't want to embarrass her if our conclusions are false.

Amber's p.o.v

Remember how I have the uncanny ability to know if something is wrong? Well, I know something is wrong with Mia. She looks kind of guilty all the time. She rushes off to the woods every morning to do God-knows-what. She reacts strongly to smells and she's tired all the time. Tell me that's not enough evidence to prove what I'm thinking. Anyway, back to the present.

Ethan and I still need to go shopping for Mia's gift. I gather my purse and add a dash of lipstick. I run out the door and Ethan is waiting for me beside his car. He holds the door open for me as I get in, no doubt to contradict what I said last night about him not being a gentleman. I stick my tongue out at him. Real mature, I know, but whoever said just because I'm in high school I'm mature?

He drives quickly to the mall and I immediately start dragging him into Forever 21. He rolls his eyes but lets me pull him along. I browse the shelves and find a pretty charm bracelet with horses galloping in different positions. Mia loves horses, so I decide to let Ethan get that for her. He pays up front and I, on impulse, see a dress and buy it, too. It's white and has a seed pearl necklace. I think it was meant to be a wedding gown, but I don't care. It's beautiful and I know she'll love it. It's exactly Mia's style.

After we get our things and head out of Forever 21, Ethan takes me to Starbucks. I'm not very hungry, so I order a vanilla bean frappuchino and a cookie. He eyes my lunch but says nothing. We eat quickly and drive back to the cabins. Once we get there, Ethan says, "I have something to show you."

His tone is mysterious. But I don't question him as he drags me through the woods. A small tiny voice in the back of my head thinks, What if he's going to murder you?

But I push the thoughts aside and follow him through wild tangles of brush, pushing away sticks that catch my shirt and spiderwebs that catch my hair. After we've gone deep into the forest, walked for about five minutes, we come to a cliff.

It's easy to sit on, not too steep. He leads me up the cliff until we're sitting almost on the edge. He pulls me into his lap and whispers into my hair, "We're going to watch the sun set."

The blazing ball of orange appears before us, clear as day. The bronze reflects on the water,  making it shimmer and sparkle. It's so beautiful it takes my breath away. As it slowly slips beneath the horizon, I can feel Ethan breathing into my hair and I snuggle against his chest for warmth. Stars begin to pepper the night sky, illuminating Ethan's face, full of passion and contentment. I close my eyes and lean against him. With his hands winding around my waist, this feels good. This feels right.

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