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~Readers POV~

I couldn't believe I had gotten a detention for being late. It was all my sister's fault. She was the one who got me to school late multiple times. I walked into the detention room I saw one other person, Johnnie. I knew him from my art class.

"I need to go fill up my water canteen. (y/n) you're in charge until I get back." Mrs. Bass said then left the room.

"Why are you in charge?" Johnnie asked.

I quickly said, "Probably because the only reason I got this detention was for being late. Who knows what you did."


"See! Mine was less of an offense. That's probably why they trust me more." I said confident.

He looked at me with what I can only imagine was sorrow and said, "Don't say that."

"Well it's true. You've been the stereotypical alt bad boy ever since sophomore year. Always getting into places and situations you're not really supposed to be in." He looked down in shame. "I'm sorry. That was way to harsh wasn't it? I'm so sorry. In my defense you are in detention."

"WE are in detention." He moved to the seat next to me.

"I'm not a delinquent though." I claimed.

"Don't be so sure about that! There's always room for some fun." He leaned toward my desk. I'm starting to notice how fucking amazing this man looks.

I leaned toward him so our faces were six inches apart. "I'm sure." I said. He crashed his lips into mine. At first I was filled with shock, but then I met his kiss with equal passion. I heard footsteps from the hall as he pulled away and ran back to his seat. Mrs. Bass walked in and sat down without a word drinking her water. Johnnie and I looked at each other across the room smiling. 'I wonder when detention's over.'

Originally published March 2016

Johnnie Guilbert ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now