Chapter 2: Explaination

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Laurance's P.O.V.


I tried to get up, but I felt myself grinding on him. Oh god! I stood up and look at Dale.

"D-Dale! I got distracted around here and I-I fell d-down on the guard. It isn't what is looks l-like!" I explained.

I could see the smirk on him. Please, he's thinking something else than this.

"Garroth, show him around here and he needs to know around." Dale said. As he start to walk away.

"Hey! Get back here! Why don't you show him around!?" Garroth yelled.

I heard, "Your closer to him and I better not see anything from both of you."

I don't know what he meant, but I could see Garroth's tainted red cheeks.

"D-Dale! Get b-back h-h-here!" Did he just stutter? I got off of him. Maybe I should just walk away and pretend this never happen. I started to walk away.

"Hey! Where are you going?"" He asked.

"Going to Aphmau's house to tell her that I'm here." I said. As taking the right turn.

"You going to the plaza." He said. I blushed in a embarrassment. I knew that, then I turn to the left, "That's the way to Kiki's barn." He said again.

I blush even more. I turn to him.

"Well then, Mr. Smartypants, which way is to Aphmau?" I said cocky.

He pointed up to the hill and I see a purple house, "That's her house," he said.

I mentally face palm. From the embarrassment. How could I forget that she loves purple!? I turn to Garroth and and forced a smile.

"Thank you, I'll be going now." I said, walking away.

"You have nice ass from here!" He did not just say that! I glared at him to see that smug smirk.

"PERVERT!!" I yelled, pulling my shirt down. I walked away and went to the hill. I stop in front of Aphmau's house. I relax for a moment to hide my blush. Garroth is seriously dead. Why would he do that?! We're both guys, I like girls, he likes girls. I bet the girls wouldn't resist his... blonde sun like hair, his blue sky eyes, and his smile... !!!!!.....................................



While panicking, I tripped and fell.


I sit up and look up at the sky. What if he?... What if I?... What if we?... This is hopeless. I'm just a guard at Meteli and he's a guard of Phoenix Drop. And why would I-

"What are you thinking?" I heard someone whisper to my ear, before I could react. Someone put there hand on my mouth and dragged me away from Aphmau's house. I struggle and struggle. I grabbed my sword and elbow him. As he let go and I moved away from him. I held my sword to the guy and I notice he's wearing a red armor with a red sword. His eyes are red and his skin is pale. He look terrible. What is he?

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Heh... A mortal asking to a stranger? How pathetic." He said with a low, raspy voice.

"What?..." I'm confused, why did he say?... Wait a minute!

"Why thinking to much? Already falling for me." He said with evil, hungry looking smirk. Ready to take me away. I quickly sprinted away from him until I reach the plaza. Wait, How did he-

"LAURANCE!!!" I heard a yell. I saw Garroth looking mad. Uh-oh.

"Hey, Garroth. What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Where were you? You've been gone for almost an hour!" Garroth said.

"AN HOUR! How is that possible? Some guy took me away to the woods for almost a minute. How could that be?" I yelled.

"Laurance, your a guard! You're saying nonsense. I guess your not ready to be a guard." Garroth said.

I felt the whole world turn upside down. Did he really thought of me?

"Is that what you think of me? Nothing? I am the guard of Meteli! And I won't risk anything from you! I know how to protect myself even my sister, my father, people from Meteli, and Phoenix Drop! I know something or someone out there is ready to attack us. I want to be ready for it!" I said. I pant. I really said a lot. Without notice, I felt a hand petting my hair. I look and see Garroth, with a smile.

"I was waiting for you to say that." He said. I blushed and look away. He put us hand down. For some reason, I felt a little disappointed when he put his hand down. I want him to keep on- MOTHER OF IRENE, PLEASE HELP ME!!! I saw him walked away. Then he stop.

"Are you coming?" Garroth asked. I notice and ran after him and stop beside him with a smile. We started walking. Maybe... it won't be so bad. I'll do everything I can to protect everyone in Phoenix Drop and Meteli.

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