Chapter 5: I missed you

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I heard someone calling me. All I could see is darkness around me and everything feels cold. What happen to me? Wait, where's Ungrth?!


There it goes again. Is someone there with me? What should I do? Should I wake up or just keep my eyes close? I don't know. Am I still at the nether?


I panicked open my eyes and stood up. My hands are sweaty, I could hear my breaths echoing, and my eyes...

Wait, my eyes! I.... I..... I can't see! Everything is just a blur! I tried to look around my surroundings, but nothing. The voice. I can't hear it. Has it been all in my head? I guess so.

I took the blanket off of me and swung my legs as it touches the cold floor. I cautiously stood up slowly and tried to use my hands to feel anything that surrounds me. I know behind me is the bed, so that means I'm in a room. I slowly took baby steps and I felt something wooden. My fingers traced down on the wood as I felt another wood attached to the other. I guess this must be a chair because I could feel a flat wood there. I took hold of the chair and tried to walk around it, which I successfully did. I slowly walked until my left hand felt something could. Is it metal? I traced my fingers upwards as I felt something warm and kinda cheeky? I raised my other hand and touch the same sensation. Weird, it feels like I'm touching a cheek.

"Are you gonna continue to squish my cheeks all day?" A sudden voice appeared of nowhere and I feel like I remember that voice.

Oh shit..... I'm touching someone's cheek! I put my hands down and tried to move away until I tripped on something and fell backwards. I closed my eyes and ready to hit the hard, cold floor. As I waited and waited to feel the floor, but nothing happens. I could feel something warm around my hips to stop me from falling.

"Are you alright?"

"G-Garroth?" I stutter. I want to know it's really him.

"You got it correct," said Garroth.

I started to tear up and wrapped my arms around him which I couldn't tell if I did it right or not. I hugged him tightly because I didn't want to let him go.

"I missed you," I said. Why did I say that!? He wouldn't really miss me at all! I loosen my arms a bit and about to let him go until I felt being pulled. My hips got tighten when I realized he's hugging back.

"I missed you too," his voice cracked. I could feel his hot breath on my shoulder and his arms start shaking. I smiled a little and hugged him back. Even though I can't see, but I'm glad to be out of the Nether.



Did you miss me? No? Do you guys hate me? Yes. I've been focusing other things like K-pop and Korean drama that I forgot about this. I finally read this book and thought I continue this. I know all of you are frustrated and mad that I haven't update for a long time. Because things just got serious.


I know it's a place for learning and all, but guess what!!! I got my first warning for failing my first exam!!!! I should've just gone to a regular high school with my real friends. Besides, I don't they want a weird girl who ships a lot and writes fan fictions! Now they are looking through my stories and wanted to read what I wrote! I mean come on!!! I known you are reading this and thinking that you read my fan fictions. It's not your fault. I hate people going through my stuff. I just want to calm down and hoping you enjoy this chapter.

If you have problems with school or you just hate school, please leave a comment because we are going to be best buds!! ^ω^

Take care. Bye!!

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