~Chapter 1~

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~Max P.O.V~


 I hear a knock on the door and jump out of my seat to open it. "Ross?!"

  "Hey Max." It's Tim. Damn it. "Judging by that, I'm guessing he still hasn't come home yet?" He steps around me, pulling off his jacket quietly.

   "You haven't seen him? You checked everywhere?" I turn to face him, my hand still on the open door.

   "Yes, Max, I looked everywhere. Just like I did yesterday. And the day before. Did you try calling... Who am I kidding? Of course you did." He sighs and sits down on the edge of the sofa, running both of his hands over his head. "C'mon. Shut the door and get in here. It's freezing out there." I hesitate for a second, staring into the cold darkness outside before finally shutting it. I clench my hands into my tight fists, my nails digging into my palms. They won't stop shaking. Tim stands up and walks over to me, putting a hand on my back and giving me a small nudge. "Sit down, Max. Don't worry. We'll find Ross eventually. I'm sure he's okay where ever he is." He leads me to a chair. 

  "I'm worried about him, Tim. It's been three days and we haven't seen him. No word from him whatsoever. His phone is off, where ever he is. I don't know what to do." I'm close to breaking down completely. I can't stop shaking and my eyes won't focus on anything.

   "I know, Max. We'll figure something out. I promise." He pauses for a second. "I'll go start on dinner,  alright? Leave that to me. You go ahead  and take a nap. You haven't slept for over 48 hours." He walks out of the room, heading to the kitchen. I sit there for a second longer before standing up. Mindlessly, I walk to Ross's room and open the door without realizing what I was doing. Quietly, I sit down on the bed, making sure not to move anything too much. Thinking about it all, I guess I'm reacting a lot more than Tim about Ross. But I have fair reason to. Tim doesn't know Ross the way I do. I love Ross. With all my heart. But there's an almost zero percent chance he likes me that way. I'm almost positive he's straight. I'm just another one of his guy friends. Just another dude at the office. I flop back on his bed, my arms spread to either side and my legs hanging off the edge. I stare up at the ceiling.

   "Ross..." I whisper, closing my eyes. "Please come home soon."

Rosszan/ MithrossWhere stories live. Discover now