~Chapter 5~

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   "Max? Max, you can wake up now." I hear a voice say in the darkness. It sounds familiar. It's still the same darkness as before... but... different. The back of my head still hurts, but now my stomach and jaw feel like they've just been smashed in. I'm more conscious than before. I can feel my muscles. It takes an effort to open my eyes. Everything is blurry.

   "Wha... Where am I?" I try to lift my arm, but it doesn't work. Something tight is gripped around my wrist. I try the other arm, and it's the same result. I blink a couple times, clearing my vision. "Am I strapped in?" I shout. I try to look around, but there's a strap over my forehead as well. "The hell is this?" I take in what I can see, trying to understand. I'm starting to panic. All I can see is a plain white ceiling and an IV strapped to my arm, some sort of black liquid in it. The hell is that?  Panic. 

   "Max. Calm down. Now." A hand is placed on my forehead and I force my vision to focus on the man standing above me. He catches my eye. All the memories of today flash back in a quick second. Time seems to slow as the scene with Ross at school replays once again. I strain to shut my eyes, trying to stop it. I grip the cold sheet beneath my tightly as a tear runs down my face. 

   "Please... Stop..." I beg. He lifts his hand from from my head and steps away. It takes me a second to regain my breath. "What the fuck do you want from me?" I say quietly.

   "How are you feeling, Max?" He says it as though he has not a care in the world. "Can you tell me what happened while you were asleep?" He steps closer again, running a finger across my jawline. "What's happened to injure you so?"

   "F-fuck off, creep." I manage to say. My vision is a bit blurry and I can feel my head spinning. I try to struggle against the straps. I have to get out of here as soon as possible. I have to go find Ross.

   "Don't move too much, now. You'll only hurt yourself more." He places his hand on my chest now, feeling my breathing. I growl at him and he takes it back immediately. "Once you can manage to calm down, we will release you. You are finished here." I glare at him. My jaw hurts. My stomach feels like it's caving in on itself. I still don't know what happened to Ross. Ross... If what he's saying is true, then I have to calm down to find Ross. I take a deep breath, sighing.

   "Where is Ross?" I say. I'm pissed, but I hide it. I'm tired. I want to go home. I need to find Ross. 

   He doesn't answer. He just slowly walks over and undoes my head strap. Cracking my neck to either side, I look around. There are dark curtains surrounding my bed. Earl is standing by where the opening should be. There's a stack of pouches on a desk with a laptop, all with a different color liquid. They all look to be mostly drained. The black IV is still in my arm.  "May I please check your injuries?"

   I look back over to him. I don't want him to even touch me after seeing that. But this pain is horrible. And the sooner I get out of here the better. "Fine." I snarl at him.

   "I will need to unstrap you. If you try to run, Earl will stop you. Don't do anything stupid." I nod. He slowly unstraps the hard leather straps as I stare up at the ceiling. First my wrists. Then the one going across my chest. Then my legs. I don't move even when he finishes. "You may sit up." I move my arms up to my face. They are completely sore. My legs must have fallen sleep, because the pins and needles feeling is horrible. Slowly, I sit up, slouching over and rubbing my wrists. How hard had I struggled? There are scratches and cuts as though I had been completely spazzing against the rough leather. My eyes go wide. What did he do to me?! "Swing your legs over the edge. Come on, get closer. Quickly now." I hesitate, but do what he says. He looks closely at my jaw before mumbling to himself. "Shirt off, Max."

   "What?" I stare at him in disbelief.

   "Take off your shirt. I need to check for any other injuries." He says it so casually as though nothing abnormal were happening.

   "I'm not taking off my shirt!" What the hell?

  "Unless you would like us to take it off by force, which I really don't want to have to do, I suggest you let us check your ribs." Earl takes a silent step towards me.

  "Alright, fine! Just be quick." I grab the bottom of my shirt and pull it over my head. I look away. This is weird. He grabs at my stomach a bit and I flinch back in pain.

   "Oh? And where exactly does it hurt?" He does it again and I bite my tongue so I don't scream. "Here?" He does it again and I howl out in pain. 

   "Stop it! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I smack his hands away from me and wrap my arms around my stomach. "I wanna go home now!" I grab my shirt. "Where the fuck is Ross?" I say as I jump off the bed. Almost immediately upon landing, I collapse to the ground in pain.

   "You have to be patient, Max. Don't worry about Ross. We have taken care of him already." He places a hand on my back as I try to stand up.

   "That's exactly why I'm worrying about Ross, you bastards!" I shout at him and his hands darts away from my back. I feel a sudden jolt run down my spine. More pain. I stand up once the rush of pain disappears. Turning around, a surprising amount of confidence building up, I stare directly at the doctor. If I can even call him a doctor. I rip the IV out of my arm, and get up close to his face.

   "Where. Is. Ross?"

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