~Chapter 6~

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I apologize that if this chapter is not as long/ as good. I am not a good writer. 

~??? P.O.V.~


   I take a sharp, deep breath as I jolt up. Where am I? I try to look around, but my eyes won't focus on anything. Above me is a dark black color, while all around me is a pale grey. A chill runs down my spine. Shaking my head, I try to remember, but my mind just goes completely blank. Where am I? Why am I here? I pause for a second, moving my hand slowly to my face. It's freezing cold. Who... am I? 

   I can't remember my name at all. I rub my eyes and my vision clears a bit. Underneath me is a thin hospital bed, the sheets thrown around as though someone had been having a seizure. A white IV line is connected to my arm, and my body feels almost non-existent, as though I were floating. Suddenly, my eyes start to droop and a rush of exhaustion rushes over me. Why... am I so tired?! I should be scared. Terrified. I don't remember my name or who I am. I'm sitting in a dark room with a white IV putting some strange substance into my arm. I should be panicking. But... I'm just too tired. Reacting... is too much work. I rub my hand over my head, feeling dizzy. It's too cold. I'll just... go back to sleep then. I lay down with a soft thump. Right before I fall asleep,  a single thought drifts through my blank mind.

   "Max..." I whisper.

   ~Max P.O.V~

   "Where. Is. Ross?"

   The doctor looks terrified now. He shrinks back into the corner, but there's no place for him to run. I take a step closer, when a sudden 'Click' sounds in the back of my head. I blink for a second, startled, when suddenly my body feels heavier than before. "F-fuck!" I hear Earl start towards me, and I try to duck to the side. I'm not as quick as before, but I've got a lot of adrenaline at the moment. His punch just misses me, curving too wide, so I jab my head up into his jaw. "Agh!" I put my hand to my head for just a second, a bump forming where I hit his chin, but have to time to actually stop moving. Earl staggers back a bit but charges once again. This time, I back up into the doctor on accident. I get hit right in the stomach. I'm pinned between Earl and the doctor and end up folding over clenching my stomach. My vision flickers for just a second as I cough up some blood. Shit... What do I do now? I glance at the table next to me. A syringe that I hadn't noticed before was lying on the table. In one quick movement, I grab in and jab it into Earl's leg in front of me. My head is spinning. I hear a yell. This is my chance... I wipe a drop of blood from my mouth dart forward, past Earl and out of the curtains. I stagger a bit, my head feeling heavier every second. The room around me is a bright white, almost blinding color. A long, thin hallway to the left seems to be the only way out. I start to run, heat rising up through my body with every step.

   "I'm gonna get you out of here, Ross! One way or another!" I yell into the bright nothingness ahead of me.

Rosszan/ MithrossWhere stories live. Discover now