~Chapter 8~

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~Max P.O.V.~

   There's a dark ceiling. Bright curtains. A white IV. Tired, very tired. A floating feeling. It feels  like I'm looking through someone else's eyes, seeing someone else's memories. Suddenly, I'm being shook, being drawn back to my own body. There's voices. Hey. Wake up. Max! Wake up! I feel my head resting in someone's lap. Someone's shaking my shoulders. "Nnng." I twist my head to either side, cracking my neck again and groaning. I remember losing consciousness. I must have landed on my arm, because it hurts like hell.

   "Max? Are you awake?" Adam. I remember calling him. I wonder how long he's been here. I open my eyes a bit. Tim's here too. Adam probably got him. I push his hand away from my head before resting my own hand against my forehead and clamping my eyes shut. I stay like that for a minute before trying to sit up. My body feels heavy, but Tim puts a hand on my back to steady me. 

   "Max? What happened?" He asks me. "Adam said you called him and asked for help. Why were you passed out in a bathroom? Where's Ross?" Ross. Shit. I gotta find Ross.

   "Bastards..." I mumble. I turn around to face the two of them, sitting cross-legged. Recounting everything that happened, I explain what's going on. "Yeah... So now I gotta go find Ross." They look horrified, confused. I can tell that they hope I'm lying. 

   "No. Max, you stay here. I'll go look for Ross. You and Tim need to head home. Tim, please take care of him." Adam glances at him. He probably thinks there's something wrong with my head. He stands up and turn towards the door, but both me and Tim grab to stop him.

   "Fuck that. I'm going with you to look for Ross." I growl.

   "Same. We live with him, Adam. We won't just stay here and worry about you. And right now, I think Max has every right to look for him." Tim says looking over at me. He believes me.. Adam doesn't try to fight. He hesitates for a second, glancing between us, before going behind me and grabbing me beneath my arms.

   "Can you stand?" He wraps his arms around my shoulders, ready to pull me up.

   "I think so... Go for it." I grunt as he pulls me to my feet. Tim helps to steady me when I'm up, but I can walk on my own.

   "Wrap your arm around me, it'll help. Tim, stay near us, alright?" I can hear the worry in Adam's voice about this whole situation, but I can tell that he's determined to find Ross. I throw my arm over his shoulder. "Where to?" I explain to him about the staircase, before remembering the bracelet on my arm.

   "Tim, can you rip this off real quick?" I nod at my wrist.

   "Uh. Yeah." He grabs my arm with one hand and the paper bracelet with the other, yanking it off. It stung, but at least it's gone. "There you go, man."

   "Thanks. Let's go, then." We walk out of the bathroom and I lead them to the door from before. We hesitate for a moment at the top of the staircase. It's not wide enough to walk next to each other. "Let me lead the way.. I can do this." I take a deep breath and they let me walk ahead of them ahead, with Adam following behind and Tim in the back. It's a long and silent walk. You can see spots on the white steps where I clearly coughed up some blood, but I ignore it. I don't like the fact that I don't hear anything from Earl or that doctor guy... They should have followed me. The thought leaves me uneasy, so I step quieter and with more caution. It's three to two if they do find us. And the doctor seemed afraid of me anyways. I wonder why... ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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