~Chapter 4~

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   Pain. That's all I feel. Just pain. Everywhere. It's not strong or weak, it just is. Everything is dark. Is something over my eyes? No. I can't feel any movement's I try to make. I am conscious... yet... unconscious?

   A sudden bright light blinds me for a second before disappearing. The pain lingers, but only as a tingle in the back of my head. I'm standing next to a tree. I turn around. Is that my old high school? I recognize it almost immediately. A group of people start heading this way. It's my old group of 'friends' from school. They're led by... Is that Ross?! No. No, I remember this now. I know what's happening next. I hated myself for this. Ross walks up to me, a sneer on his face.

   "How's it going, Ginger? Having fun with all your little friends? Did you say hello to all the pretty little flowers for me?" He hits me in the gut. All the guys laugh behind him. One of them calls me a loser. Another yells faggot. 

   "Ross... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it..." I start to sob a little.

   "The fuck are you talking about, Ginger?" He kicks me and I fall to my knees.

   "Ross, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of it. I was doing it to impress my friends. You were the loner who sat by himself next to the tree, so I picked on you. I didn't want anyone to see. I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry. I regret it-" He cuts me off with a huge kick to my jaw. I'm sobbing now, so I just take the beating. I deserve it.

   "Shut up." He kicks my side and I fall to the ground completely.

   "I'm sorry."

   "Shut up!" He kicks hard at my stomach. I start coughing. 

   "I'm sorry, Ross." I whimper. He grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me to my knees. He crouches down, eye level. 

   "Shut up, Ginger." He whispers. There are a couple tears in his eyes. He punches me hard in the face and the blinding light flashes again. Now it's just the same painful darkness as before. I want to cry, but I can't in this black abyss. Having to re-live that event, mine and Ross's position's switched... It was horrible. I can't believe I did that to him. To my narwhal. He had begged for mercy, asking me why, and I had just told him to shut up. It was all I could do to stop myself from crying. Ross... I'm sorry, Ross. I'm so, so sorry.

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