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Why is his lips so dark?

Does he smoke weed?

He looks like a dike.

   I scrunched my face up at that comment. I bet his girl would think otherwise, hatin ass niggas these days. It's a damn shame, we should be boosting eachother up.

   I sighed and continued readin,

Jacobs music is trash, the fuck is he thinkin?

Who is Jacob Latimore?

That nigga Jacob Latimore is gay as hell tbh.

He's probably fuckin around with Alix Lapri hoe ass.

If only they knew.. I locked my phone back not wanting to read the rest of the comments.

I looked out the airplane window and more thoughts ran threw my mind.

Jacob you should make more music the hood would like..

Jacob you need to wait to put out an album

Jacob you're not ready to go on a tour by yourself

Jacob that song you wrote isn't good enough, it doesn't fit this generation.

Jacob you will never be successful if you don't listen to what I tell you.

    Im tired of listening to how MY music should sound. People are either going to love my music or they're going to hate it.

I can't please everybody.

All I can be is myself.

   That's all I want to be, I want to show everyone who Jacob Latimore is.

   I want to show everyone despite of what people say about you, you can make it on your own.

Stay humble.

   I closed my eyes, trying to give myself positive vibes.

Stay humble.

Be you.

Stay humble.

Be grateful.

Stay humble.

Listen to your heart and ambition.

Forever & Always | BOOK 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin