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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Jasmine was right someone was getting to me..my father.

No matter how hard I tried he always popped up somewhere, talking negative to me.

Maybe everything he was saying is true..maybe I ain't shit like he say.

I'm not gonna tell my ma I ran into him, I don't want her to be upset.

"Baby, are you sure you want to do this?" My mama asked me with a little concern in her voice.

"Mom I'm sure, I need you to be the manager of the company. Jacobs ink is going to be so successful, especially if your running it."

She kissed my cheek and rubbed my head, "I just wanna make sure that you sure. I've got your back one hunnid percent, I'm going to give my all into this.. so that means you have to also."

I nodded my head in understanding, "Of course ma."

"Alright so don't get upset with me when your being all lovey dovey with Jasmine, and I call you to tell you we have to work."

I sighed, "I won't ma, I'm ready."

She smiled at me, "That's what I like to hear. Be great baby, continue to be great."

She went in her bag and pulled out some papers.

"Hey, I had someone write you a banger. Practice it for me."

Ma handed me the song lyrics, I quickly read over them.

Remember Me

"The song lyrics are dope ma."

She smiled and dusted off her shoulder, "Yeah I know, give your mama her props."

I know when we touch you'll fall back in love girl we know what it was
Remember lovin me

I know when we touch you'll fall back in love girl there's no better us

"Sing it baby!" Ma said while dancing around the kitchen, I couldn't help but laugh at her.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, I quickly got it out and answered it.

"Excuse me for a sec ma." My mom nodded her head telling me that it was okay.

I walked out the kitchen then out the front door and sat on the porch.

Phone conversation:

Me: Wassup Tamia?

Tamia: Hey, can you come to the studio real quick I want you to hear a song.

Forever & Always | BOOK 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن