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"I just want to be friends with you, that's all."

I rolled my eyes knowing this girl was full of shit.

"You said that before and you switched up real quick after you said it."'

Tamia sighed, "I'm forreal this time. I've accepted the fact that Jacob is no longer mine."

I chuckled, "We will never be friends."

Tamia is really delusional, she really thought I would be friends with her crazy ass.

She frowned, "Well I hope I can change your mind. I can tell that you're really important to Jacob."

"Babe, commere for a minute."

I turned around as soon as I heard Jacobs voice.

He was standing there with his hands in his pockets waiting for me.

I walked over to him and followed him upstairs.

We walked into his room, David was sitting on the floor with a frown on his face.

Immediately I felt hurt seeing him like that.

Jacob closed the door behind us and he sighed walking past me.

"Aight D, Tell her what you just told me."

I focused my attention on him, waiting for him to speak.

He looked up at me, "I just got home from work, I looked around for My but then I realized that she had class. Something told me to go into the bathroom so I did and I seen a pregnancy test in the trash can."

My eyes widened, "Oh my god Mya is pregnant?! Oh my god, YESSSS! She's been wanting to have a baby by you for sooo long-"

"I don't want the baby." David said interrupting me.

I gave him the most dirtiest look, "What do you mean you don't want the baby?"

David looked away from me, "I mean I do want the baby, it's just.."

I rolled my eyes at him, he better start explaining quick before I snap on him.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, Jacob pulled me into him. "Give him a minute to explain Jas."

"No fuck that, you better not be playing my sister David. I'll fuck you up my damn self, Mya wants this baby more than anything.  I thought you wanted the same as her."

David looked up at me, "I'm not playing her, I love that girl more than anything. I want a baby by her, just not right now."

Forever & Always | BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now