Those Little Things (Julius x Reader)

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait! And thank you for requesting, NocturnalNightingale, it really helps me!!! Please, request more! Song by me. When I have the time I'll make a record to it so... look forward to it♡ *sends kisses*

You sat next to Julius in silence while he was working on yet another clock. It was impressive for you how detailed his work could be. You were able to watch him for hours without getting bored. After some time of having you stare at his hands without a break Julius had had enough. He was embarrassed by your almost fiery gaze and smile creeping its way onto your face everytime he fixed any clock. He put his screwdriver on the desk and you pouted looking up at him, wondering what could stop him from working. He gritted his teeth and glared at you.

"Can you STOP looking at me like that!? It's... unproper to stare!" you looked at him dumbfounded and then understood the situation.

"Oh, I'm sorry." you felt kinda stupid for gaping at him like that. You realised it had to be very embarrassing for him. "I made you uncomfortable, didn't I? I'm very sorry, Julius. I won't interrupt your work anymore." you felt a bit hurt that your person could make him feel bad. It wasn't that you wanted to embarrass him or anything, you just liked to watch him. He looked at your disappearing figure with some kind of disappointment. He clenched his fists but then let them loose and let out a big sigh, regretting his actions. He followed you downstairs and saw you enter the kitchen. He frowned knowing you didn't go there often and walked inside watching your movements from behind. He realised you were making coffee with some new beans he didn't recognise the smell of. You hummed to yourself slowly while your hands did all the work. The water boiled as you cleaned the blade and sink. It wasn't common for you to do such a task in Wonderland since usually the things that had been dirtied or broken always come back to its previous state after some time periods pass. But you used to do all the housework in your former world. So that kind of thing wasn't something new to you. You were so busy with your work that you didn't realise that you started singing.

"Oh oh oh oh
I don't wanna go back
Oh oh oh oh
I just wanna stay here with you
And watch you do
Those little things, little things

Oh oh oh oh
I don't wanna hold back
Oh oh oh oh
I don't want to just live without
You, don't push me out and
Those little things, little things...
Those little things you always do
Are the things that make me lov..."

You trailed off trying to persuade yourself not to have false hopes. Of course, you had a crush on Julius. He was always mature and calm and sweet. His Tsundere side was adorable for you. But the problem was different. The problem was, in fact, you. And you realised that. But still... it was painful.

You were so captured by your actions and thoughts that you totally didn't notice Julius standing dumbstruck in the doorway. Not only you were in the kitchen, making coffee and cleaning but you were also singing. And the words of your song hung heavy on his clock. It was always ticking in its usual rythm but now he could easily tell that it was speeding up. He didn't know what happened to him. But all he wanted to do right now was to cheer you up and apologise for his stupid behaviour. However, he was too shy to do anything further than this.

"(Y/N)... I'm sorry, alright?" after hearing his voice behind you, you quickly turned around not expecting the floor to be so sleaky and slipped a little. Your back hit the shelves hanging behind you and they trembled making the cups and plates jump. One plate started circling in place near the edge. But as you both looked up you felt it was too late to run. Your body collapsed on the ground as your hands tried to protect your head. Everything was happening too fast for you. But Julius could see it and in one swift move he was standing above you catching the falling plate just over your head. He kneeled down in his shock of the event that had just showed before him but his eyes fell on your scared face. Tears in your eyes and falling down your flushed cheeks. It was painful to see you in that state and he wanted this pain to end immediately. His hands were still above your head as he started leaning towards you. You raised your wide eyes up to him scared of what he was up to.

'Is he going to scold me? I-I wasn't trying to make him mad! I didn't know he was here!' his eyes closed which made you confused. Suddenly, you felt something warm against your mouth. Your eyes widened even more as you realised. 'H-he's K-KISSING ME!?' Julius pressed his lips hard against yours not letting you go for a long time. The plate he was holding fell down next to you but didn't break. His arms wrapped around you. When he finally pulled away you were gasping for air and your faces were bright red.

"Wha... What are you doing, Julius?" he brushed your neck with his lips, his hot breath making you shiver. "Jul...ius...?" his grip on you tightened and he gritted his teeth.

"(Y/N)... I'm sorry. Please, don't be sad." you squeezed your eyes and hugged him back.

"I should be the one to... apologise. You were working and all... I did was... just stare at you... like an-" he hushed you with his finger on your mouth.

"(Y/N), don't you dare call yourself that." he whispered harshly to you, clenching the material of your shirt in his fists. "You are an amazing person. Please, understand this." you stuttered, not sure how to respond. You wanted to deny his words but if he said it with so much passion in his clear words you couldn't help but believe him.

"Julius... Thank you... You always... Can make me feel special... I love you for that... I love you..." his cheeks were the same shade as yours when you spoke those words. But then, he smiled gently and patted your head, stroking your (h/c) hair.

"I love you too, (Y/N)." you looked at him wide-eyed. After what you had heard from him about yourself, you couldn't ever think he'd say those words. Those words you were longing for so much. You couldn't bring yourself to believe that.

"B-but... you said... that I'm difficult and... stubborn... There's no way... you would like... someone like me!" Julius looked at your face directly and after long seconds of staring into your deep (e/c) eyes shook his head.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. I didn't know my words could man so much to you. I didn't think I'd hurt you so much. So... I'm sorry, (Y/N), alright?" you smiled slightly and nodded your head, tears of joy rolling down your reddened cheeks. He leaned in and so did you. Your lips sealed one again in a kiss. This one was far more passionate and filled with emotions you two held back for so long. When you had to break the kiss for air, you heard footsteps. It was too late for you to stand up.

"Ohoho! Am I interruptin' somethin'?" your eyes fell onto Ace's blood-covered cape and amusement written all over his face.

"ACE!" you and Julius shouted in unison and the knight simply raised his hands.

"Um, sorry? Okay, okay, I'm leavin'! Jeez." he walked out of the doorway and closed the kitchen. You two sighed in irritation but looked at each other lovingly again.

"I think we should continue this later on." Julius said with a half-smirk on his face. You turned your head from him, embarrassed slightly by his words.

"Y-yeah. I think so too." he smirked fully and you turned your head in the direction of the door embarrassed by being the attacked one. "Okay! I'm out!" you ran away from the kitchen, not able to see him still standing there with his gentle gaze following you.

A/N: Mehehehehehe. I needed this, sorry if it's not what you wanted!!! REQUEST PLEASE.

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