Pain (Sidney x Reader) Part 2

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Your eyes were closed. Body placed on soft sheets. Head surrounded by cushions. Light was beaming on your face through a big window. You knew it was open - you could feel the smell of blooming white roses and hear birds chirp in the garden. You were home - in the Diamond Castle. Why were you asleep? How long have you been out? You didn't know that. But you were sure you had to open your eyes and find out. They were still heavy, though.

"Oh, are you awake, Miss (Y/N)!?" an awfully familiar voice. It was a maid. You guessed she was your personal one since you recognised the way she sounded. You made up your mind. It was time to open your eyes.

"Hmmm... Yes, I am." you let yourself give a small yawn as your wide pupils welcomed warm sunlight. Unconsciously, you asked the question that haunted your mind since it had awoken. "How long was I sleeping?" your voice was still tired and sloppy, showing how deeply you had to dream. The maid walked up to you and put a hand to your forehead. She was freezing. Or rather...

"Oh, my, you do have a fever. Don't worry, Miss (Y/N). We'll get you and Minister Black fixed in no time." that sentence made you perk up. Sidney? Why would he need to be taken care of? What did she mean by 'fixed'? But when all those questions accumulated, memories of that frightful moment striked.

"OH MY GOD! SIDNEY!!! IS HE ALRIGHT!?" you rose from the bed and looked at the faceless woman in panic. She put her hands on your shoulders and spoke in a calm tone.

"Please, Miss (Y/N). You've been through a lot of stress. We found you crying your eyes out in Prime Minister's room with his body in your arms. It had to be a shock for you because it was the first time you've seen him like this. Don't worry about Minister Black, though, he is used to attacks such as that, he should be fine by now. Please, rest." you began to understand his words. How he 'didn't want you to see him like this'. He had to know it would happen and avoided you because of that. He didn't want you to find out about his 'weakness'.

'I have to make sure he's okay! I won't forgive myself, nor him, if something wrong happens now.' you shook your head slowly, standing up from the bed. You pulled her hands gently off your arms and stared at her seriously.

"I'm fine. More importantly, is he really alright?" the girl looked away with a sigh but nodded her head in defeat, knowing what you were about to do. "I have to go check on him. Right. Now." she opened her mouth hesitantly, then closed it again, unable to speak up to you, who was already too determined to be stopped. She helped you find the way to the room he was treated in and let you enter first. Taking a deep breath, you ignored the pulsing in your head and walked in. Servants, who had been cleaning the chambers, all glanced up in your direction. The door closed silently behind your maid and a worried whisper went throughout the room before everything went silent.

A/N: I mean... I promised that I'll post the second part today, aye? *bricked* Sorry, sorry, rest (the last one, I swear!) out tomorrow because I have to do some requests I got. Love you all! Muah♡

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