Meeting The Black Warden (Black x Reader)

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A/N: Requested by NocturnalNightingale I'm sorry for the late update for this! My parents cut off my wi-fi and 3G on my phone didn't even let me open the stories! And I have to warn you because my mum got pissed at me again amd I won't be having my phone until March 29th so yeah... THANKS MUM, GREAT GIFT FOR EASTER, FUCK YEAH!!! *crushes her entire room* Anyway sorry! I'm gonna write on paper tho, so when I get my phone back I'll just write it from there real quick. No requests are forgotten, promise! And now enjoy~!

It was an unusual break in the Heart Castle. Work was over, time to go out with Vivaldi, Ace and Peter for the Circus' performance. You and the grown woman side by side, were chatting excitedly about your leave.

"You know, Vivaldi, it's been a while since I last left the Castle. Even for small visits. I'm happy I can go to see Joker's performance. Thank you so much for taking me with you!" you squealed, content on the mere thought of going to the Joker's Circus. You loved it there. The shows, workers, even Joker himself was a nice person. The only thing you still couldn't get used to was the mysterious mask buckled to White's belt. It was talking. Not just talking, it was swearing and insulting like mad. You always wondered why Joker would carry around something so... strange? You didn't know how you could describe the mask.

'Guess I'll ask Joker when I get there.' you thought as Vivaldi walked out of the Castle's territory next to you.

"That's no problem, (Y/N). And we're sorry for holding you down in here for so long. We know how you love to visit every territory. Well, we are not surprised at all, especially if it's about the Amusement Park. After all, that place is overflowing with cats!" you smiled at her enthusiasm ad chuckled to yourself.

''Overflowing', huh? Hehe. Vivaldi may love cute things but saying that Boris and a bunch of stray kittens running around is 'overflowing' is kinda too much. God, when are we gonna be there?' you sighed, looking forward, catching the Queen's attention.

"Hmm? What is it, (Y/N)? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Does their presence trouble you?" you looked behind you to find Ace trying to convince Peter to say something and with the Prime Minister obviously ignoring him. You giggled and turned to meet your friend's eyes.

"No, no. I'm just impatient, I guess. I can't wait 'till we meet up with the people at the Circus!" Vivaldi scoffed a little and a frown appeared on her feminine features. "Huh? What is it?"

"You should go and live there. We would despise the fact that you're not around anymore, but you would obviously free yourself from all the work in our Castle and from them." saying that, the Queen pointed behind her back. "Thus, we advice you to move there at once!" she beamed and you just looked at her shocked.

"What!? Vivaldi! I can't do that! I wouldn't abandon you! And besides..." you trailed off, blushing a little. "I don't think Joker would like that. I mean... I don't know much about the Circus and... I can't really do any tricks so I wouldn't be able to do any work there. And you know me, I have to work. Otherwise, I might just become lazy! I don't want that. I have to keep myself busy. So moving there is out of the question!" you crossed your arms and nodded your head with a short and strict 'hmph' ending your sentence. Vivaldi chuckled, clearly amused by your words.

"You don't think he would like that? Just which one are you talking about?" she laughed to herself and you turned to her with a questioning face.

"Huh? 'Which one'? What are you talking about, Vivaldi?" she mimicked your puzzled expression but it soon changed to one full of amusement.

"Oh...? Oh. Ho~ho~ho. You don't know? Well then, maybe you are right. It may be not the time yet for you to stay there." she said, more like to herself and you stopped, getting slightly angry from her teasing manner of speech.

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