Drunk Romance (Drunk!Emotional!Blood x Reader)

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A/N: Blood is totally OOC here but whatevs, he's drunk, for crying out loud. And hello after my long (af) absence~!!

"Hello, Blood. I just came back to give you back the-" you entered the Hatter's study but stopped midway when you didn't notice him at the desk. Your mouth hung open as you stood in awe, staring at the boss of the mafia sitting on the sofa with a half-emptied bottle in his hand. Red wine. Not really out of place, he had already taken "relaxing breaks" as such after really long errands of work several times already, but the problem was the wine he was holding wasn't the only one. Multiple bottles of the strong alcohol were scattered around the wobbling shape of the Hatter who was clutching his head in pain. You didn't know what to say or how to react but your legs led you up to him. The moment he spotted someone beside him, he moaned and looked up lazily. You giggled at his half-lidded eyes and a small "drunkie" smile. But soon you were going to regret it. He opened his mouth, scent of the wine marking his hitching breath.

"(Y-)... (Y/NNNN)!!!" he glomped you suddenly and dragged your body by its waist right down onto him. "You are here, Young-hic-Lady~! I was so-hic-sad while you weren't-hic-here~!!!" his groaning together with the hiccup made your confusion deepen. Was he drinking... because you were away?

'That couldn't be it. This probably just happened by an accident.' Blood's clouded puppy eyes made your theory even less believable. 'Ugh, who am I kidding???' your hands tugged at his to let you go and you squealed when you felt them grip you even tighter.

"B-Blood... stop this. This isn't even funny!" he gasped dramatically and forced you to look down at him with one of his hands. Normally, you would laugh at such a sound but this time was definitely not humorous for you.

"Whaaaaat? How can you-hic-say such a thing~? I would neve-hic-r joke around about im-hic-portant matters su-hic-uch as this~!" he made a serious face, which you couldn't resist but snort at. That clearly offended the drunk mafioso. "This is-hic-not a laughing matter-hic, Young Lady! I was dying from-hic-loneli-hic-ness because of-hic-you!" that made your little heart throb a bit. You often heard that when people are drunk, they can say what they really feel, which they'd never say when sober.

'But there is more of a possibility that he's just blabbering whatever comes to his mind! But... then again, why would he say something like this?' while you were starting to drown in your own self-conciousness and reasoning, the drunk mafioso managed to get you and himself back up and hugged your waist desperately. His face buried in your shoulder snapped you out of your confusion and thoughts.

"B-Blood...? Are you okay?" finally asking the right question, you grasped his red face and looked him in the eye. He shook his head hopelessly, making it look even more childish.

"No... I'm-hic-terribly lonely... and-hic-wanna cu-hic-uddle~" you held back another snort and just sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that already..." glaring down at the bottle in his hand, you grabbed it and tossed it aside, making the cursed liquid cover the floor. Knowing it would disappear the next time period, you ignored it and turned to him. "But NO DRINKING for next ten time periods! You're in a bad condition as it is!" to your surprise, Blood pouted and hung his head, letting out a quiet and obedient nod. You shook your head, accepting the fact that Blood was going to be completely different for a long while now and led you both to his bedroom right next to the study. "Here." you sat him down on the bed, hearing him mumble your name and something about his head. You remembered he seemed like he was having a big headache when you entered, so you took out two pills out of a drawer in his nightstand. You checked if they were safe to have with alcohol, worried about the amount of it in his veins already, but saw nothing to doubt. Pouring water from a glass pot on the stand, you handed him the medicine and spoke in a calmer voice. "Now take those, your head won't be so troubling when you wake up." he grabbed the pills and glass from your hand and gulped down all in one breath. You rolled your eyes and put down the glass. Checking his temperature, you realised your hand was cold from the water pot. That being said, you didn't hesitate and put your forehead against his. "Hmm, you don't have a fever... but if you sleep now, we'll be sure you won't get one." you sighed and took off his jacket. You weren't flustered whatsoever. With him constantly flirting with you in many ways and his drunk state right now, you convinced yourself that this wouldn't make any difference. Besides, he was probably going to forget all this when he wakes up, considering how much he really drank. You helped him with his boots, which he took off slowly, as if his head was getting dazed with the pills and alcohol. Looking more scared for his state, you lied him down and covered. For the last time you put a hand on his forehead and stroked his hair, before turning around. But a hand grabbed your wrist before you could take a step away from the bed. "Blood? You okay?" you asked, unsure what he could want from you at this rate.

"(Y/N)... Young Lady..." he let out a soft 'hic' and continued to whisper weakly. "Sta...stay with me~?" his voice was getting hoarse from the drowsiness overcoming him. Your eyes focused on his expression, but it wasn't suspicious in any way. He was still under the influence of alcohol. You exhaled delicately and gave up without thinking on it too much.

"Fine, I'll stay for a few-" his head shook aggressively before his other hand clutched it in pain.

"Ugh... nooo... I want you... to sleep with me, (Y/N)~!" no matter how used you could be to Blood's jokes, this sentence could not leave you without a blush on your cheeks.

"Hah!? Geez! Keep it down!" you looked back at the door and breathed a sigh of relief. No-one would dare come to his room when he's not working. "Hmph... fine." you spit out with a huff and he let go of your arm as if he had achieved his goal. You looked back at him and saw his childish smile. You couldn't help but return the gesture. "Fine, Blood, I'll go change and be right back. Try to sleep, you don't have to wait for me. I promise I'll be here when you wake up." you knew very well that Blood hated when someone broke a promise with him so when it slipped off your tongue, he seemed to relax even more.

"A promise... Young Lad... (Y/N)..." your name spoken in such an adorable voice coming from Blood, himself, made your heart thump. Your smile got wider as you got up and strolled to the bathroom in your room. Taking a quick shower and changing clothes, you couldn't help but sigh in delight. Maybe this side of him wasn't that bad from time to time.

'Heheh... I wonder how much he'll remember after he wakes up...' you wondered as you lied down next to Blood, who was already out cold. You brushed his cheek with your fingers and kissed his nose.

"Good night, love." you closed your eyes and fell asleep quickly, thinking about his precious words.

"Stay with me~?"

"A promise... Young Lad... (Y/N)..."

I totally don't wanna spoil the moment, but when he saw you sleeping next to him and regained his consciousness completely... let's just say you weren't 'in the mood' to walk next ten time periods. ^^

A/N: Big thanks goes to TokyoGhoulToukaChan for requesting and coping with me and my author's block!!! >_<

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