New Outfit (Black x Reader)

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A/N: I know I promised three for today! Just give me a few and they'll be here! Rest is work in (fast) progress~☆

White did have crazy ideas in and out of his head and you knew that very well, as much as the rest of the circus staff. But this time he went too far in letting his imagination take over.

"White!!! What the hell did you just make me wear!?" you stood in front of a mirror, where you had been teleported while you were cleaning the changing rooms. Your work clothes, that consisted of your normal attire with a long-sleeved grey circus jacket and a red ribbon around your neck with a bow, suddenly switched into a way... braver outfit. A short-skirted dress with frills on all edges possible was wrapped tightly around your body, making you feel completely exposed and uncomfortable. Your chest was puffed out by the corset, but what made it even worse was the neckline that went far lower than it ought to. Your normally loose hair was held up by a band decorating your head. The dress was covered by a white, straight apron, fortunately that was one thing that did not seem to have any of those repulsive frills. The Jester himself was standing right behind you, his hands placed on your shoulders, making you straighten your back. "Hey! What is this!?" he merely chuckled into your ear, not giving a word of response. "Ugh! Wait until Black finds out about this, you'll be the one explaining yourself-!" you saw behind your own reflection as he suddenly released your arms and put a finger to his lips. "Huh?" confused, you cocked your head to the side, thinking he had surely gone mad, if he wasn't since the very beginning. At your action he let out a sly laugh you wished you didn't recognise.

"That's right, little Miss Outsider... wait until Joker finds you like this..." his voice curled in your mind, echoing, as another chuckle left his lips. The unpleasant sound finally started disappearing, as well as its source. His reflection began to vanish from your sight, but when you turned around, he was already gone. You frowned, not having the slightest idea why he would pop in and out just to forcibly change your clothes into something like this. You were on duty anyway. What was his intention? You were still deep in thought when you heard another voice, so similar, yet so different from the Jester's.

"Oi! Anyone!? I need this cleaned in a flash! The circus starts in two goddamn time periods!" how you wished it was someone, anyone else. But it had to be him.

'Oh, no! If Black sees me like this, he'll jump into conclusions. And where did White run off to!? I swear, when I get my hands on him, I'll-!' but you didn't have any time left. The door was already opening when you realised it and you couldn't even hide behind the curtains in the changing room. You gripped one of them and froze in your tracks, squeezing your eyes in worry and embarrassment.

"Hey! Is there anyo-!? FINALLY! I was screaming my damn lungs out! Why didn't anyone here answer m-!?" he trailed off, taking a closer look at your red face. "Just a fuckin' minute..." he closed the door shut and walked up to you. "(Y/N)!?" he screamed in shock and took another step, as if to confirm that his sight wasn't lying to him. You looked at him wide-eyed and at a loss of words. Well, how could you react in this kind of situation!?

'This is so humiliating!!!' your inner self was screeching in panic and frustration. You wished to be able to just hide under the ground and never show yourself again. Your pride took the best of you and made you leap behind the big curtain you were holding onto. That seemed to have woken the Warden up from his confused state.

"Oi, (Y/N), what the hell are you doing? And who the fuck told you to wear... that!?" he had to raise his hands in frustration, because you felt the material covering you flap and wrapped yourself in it even tighter.

"Ask yourself that!" your voice got squeaky from the stress and you quickly shut up after that one sentence. Black caught up soon enough.

"Hah!? Me!? I didn't do anythi-OH, FUCK, I'LL KILL THAT BASTARD!!!" his shouting echoed in the circus tent, you were almost sure it could be heard outside. "Hey! Where is he!? I'll catch that son of a-!" he noticed your trembling fingers gripping the curtain and finally stopped shouting. "Oi, (Y/N), get out." you shook your head and tried to cover yourself even more. "(Y/N), c'mon! The White bastard's not here. And I..." that caught your attention. Was Black actually confused? Or maybe even embarrassed like you? You dared to take a peek from behind the curtain and glanced into his face.

"'A-and you...' what?" he looked back into your eyes. That was the first time he'd ever do that. His crimson eyes sucked you in, you were almost losing control over your own mind. A moment later, which felt like time had frozen for you both, Joker clicked his tongue.

"Gah, fuck this! Come 'ere, you stupid-!" you realised it was a mistake to show yourself because he grabbed your arm and pulled you out of your hiding spot. You yelped and wanted to shout but was held against his chest. You shut up and stayed still in his tight embrace. Black wrapped his arms around you, as if protecting you from other eyes. "Darn it, you're such an idiot for showing yourself in... this shit!" he looked down at you angrily, but when you tore your body from him to gaze back, your chest exposed to him. "F-fuuu-!" he squeezed you against him again. You gulped, having no idea if this were your last moments or a single chance. "I'll get ya out of 'ere... Right. Now." you were pulled with him to a door next to the changing rooms. But it was nothing more than a portal. But you didn't have to know that yet, did you? Black still held you near him, slamming the door closed furiously. Without saying a word and confusing you even more, the Warden sat you on the bed and crossed arms on his chest. "Jesus fuck..." he cussed under his breath which actually made you pout a bit and cross your own arms. "Fine. Are you sayin' that it was his fucking idea for you to wear this?" you sighed and nodded your head, unfolding your arms.

"It was more like... he forced me? I don't really know. I just... opened my eyes and saw myself in..." you looked down at yourself and pulled up the hem of the skirt in wonder. "...this." suddenly a hand was clasped over yours and the dress was pulled back down.

"You bloody idiot!" your heart thumped stronger against your chest. Was he angry at you now? "...I said it before, no?" his eyes narrowed at you. "Come here..." his whisper was barely audible but his tone made you blush.

W-wha-what does he mea-?' before you could react, you were picked up into the man's arms. You yelped and stared at him with wide eyes. But he looked away with a click of his tongue and sat down comfortably on the bed before putting you on him. You attempted to get up and ask him what he was talking about. But your body was brought closer to him and your faces inched closer. You could feel the blush worsen as you slowly began to understand the situation you were both stuck in. You silently complied and put your face against his chest. He seemed to relax, his arms holding you loosening up. 'Oh my GOD, what am I supposed to do now!?' you asked yourself, having no idea what was on the Warden's twisted mind. But that's when he put his lips next to your ear.

"I'll take care of him. So just... you can stay, if ya want..." he said and sighed, as if he just did something very challenging. You took in the meaning of his words and hid your face. With a small, flustered whine, you nodded and buried your face in his clothes. Black grunted in his own embarrassment and put his hand over his eyes. "I swear, when I get my hands on him...!" he noticed that your eyes were getting heavier. Probably it was because of the stress you just went through with him and the other Joker messing around. He let you let go of your worries and fall asleep. Black stared at you for a while more, watching your chest go slowly up and down, feeling the beat of your heart against his own, blankly ticking chest. In spite of himself, he raised his hand and used his finger to brush away hair from your face. The same hand landed on your waist, going lower as the Warden's face grew hotter. "That damned bastard...! How did he-?" you moved closer to him, forcing him to catch you in his arms so that you could lie steady. "Ugh. I hate this shit... She'd kill me, if she knew..." he peered at your sleeping face again and let himself grin. "Whatever..." he mumbled to himself and pulled you up. Your chest travelled up, followed by your waist and uncovered thighs. Your unconscious body was touching the Warden's, driving his senses insane. He put his lips onto your neck and lightly pecked it, before nuzzling his face in the crook of it. His blush never left his face, even as he fell asleep with you connected to him.

A certain Jester walked into the portal, clearly knowing what was going to happen from the beginning.

"Ahaha! Oh, this Joker. And all he needed was a little... push, huh?" the Jester smirked and disappeared again, going back to the upcoming circus.

A/N: Some more fluff with the flustered Warden for Annabelle200218^^

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