I'll Protect You (Jericho x Reader)

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A/N: I'm sorry, this will definitely not be too satisfying. I don't know Jericho's character that well yet. I haven't seen any games or manga with him, so I only know the basic stuff. I'm sorry again, and if you know something about him; backstory, character, bonds, please, let me know if you could explain them to me in the messages! Thank you and bye-bye!

You had wandered onto the Platform that seemed not to have an end. You were tired and already sick of walking, but even so you went further unwillingly. No sign of trains passing by, not a single soul around you, only this dreadful silence, giving your whole body goosebumps. Suddenly, your feet stopped. You would have felt relieved if not for the force that made them do it. That wasn't your will - but someone else's.

"Get on~!" a cheerful but creppy voice echoed in the empty hall. When you turned around, again not knowing how or why, you were met by a sight you wouldn't ever expect in that place. A long train was stopped right next to you. You tried to wonder how come you didn't hear anything. But soon those thoughts were interrupted by both your voice of rational thinking and the voice from a second ago. Again - that blood-curling sensation went throughout your whole body. "C'mon, why don't you move? You wanna get on, right!?" you wanted to shake your head, to object. Heck, you wanted to scream and run out of there. But something was stopping you and you didn't know what. It made you even more terrified.

'Someone... please... help me... get me out of here!' you couldn't utter a single word, though. You weren't able to say anything, only thinking frantically about what to do. 'Who is this!? Why am I not moving when I want to!? I'm not getting on any train!' as if listening to your thoughts, the person let out an eerie laugh.

"We all know you want this. You'll get back to your world this way, after all~!" that caught your attention. Your old world was something you had abandoned. You didn't even think about it after you and a certain Role-holder became a thing.

'That's right! Jericho! Jericho!!!' your desperation emerged into reality, letting you scream for help.

"JERICHO! HELP!!!" the person standing in the train clearly didn't find the fact you could get your voice out quite pleasing. He was obviously infuriated, his creepily grinning face now turning into a glare.

"You think that old bird is going to help you? No way in HELL that's happening on my account, toots!" his completely changed attitude caught you off guard. The strong power overwhelmed you again, you started walking towards the stopped train. "You thought you'd get away, did ya!?" the mocking voice made you both scared and angry. If you could have broken this 'spell', you had to be able to do it again. Thinking about Jericho again, you shut your eyes tight and tried your best to shout.

"Jer...i... JERICHOOO!!!" his name echoed throughout the station, you wondered why no one was there in the first place, but that wasn't really occupying your mind. It seemed like your plan worked.

"Damn it!!! Why now!?" the man trying to get you onto the train suddenly lost the grip on your body, you felt light again, your will was once again obeyed. You ran for it, not paying attention to what he was taken aback by. But soon you ran into that 'thing'.

"Ugh...! S-sorry-!" you noticed the familiar clothes, you already knew who you bumped into. "J-Jericho, you came-!" you were caught off by his strange stare. His eyes were wide, focused on your lying figure. Dumbstruck, you said nothing more, waiting for whatever fate meant for you.

"You..." hearing the Dodo's voice above, you raised your head once again. "You sneaky bastard..." the threat in his tone made you shiver. Was he going to fight this guy? But he couldn't get injured! You couldn't possibly allow that!

"Heh... Says who, you little shit. How did you even get here. Did th-GAH!!!" a bullet pierced his chest, stopping him from saying anything else. Jericho had his gun raised, it was still smoking slightly when you looked up at it. His eyes came back to you, now calmer.

"(Y/N), I'm so glad you're okay!" he kneeled down to your level. You glanced back into his mesmerising eyes, trying to stop shaking from the accumulated fear. His big hand petted your head and made you feel at ease. That is, until you heard that voice again.

"Heheheh... You think that much can kill me...? You have to try harder, you old bastard!!!" challenging, though weak way of speaking was starting to get to the Dodo Bird. He sighed and gave your forehead a quick kiss before he returned his gun's position to its previous target.

"Watch your mouth... my lover's right here and I don't want you gettin' in my way. You're not takin' her, not on my goddamn watch!" he shot him again, aiming at his stomach this time. You didn't look back, but you knew he got him, hearing grunts of pain. Another shot. This time it was his head. Jericho, knowing that would put him in his place, crouched down to you again. "Hey, (Y/N), are you okay?" you nodded your head, unable to speak for the time being. He sighed and stroked your cheek. "M'kay. C'mon, I'll help ya." he extended his hand and you grabbed it, helping yourself up. But when you stood on your legs, you felt them go numb, as of they were made of jelly. You staggered and fell right into Jericho's open arms. "H-hey, (Y/N)...!" he noticed that you were tired, instead of having lost your consciousness and smiled. "A'right, then, I suppose I'll lend my girlfriend a hand..." he suddenly put his arm underneath your knees. You let them bend completely, as you were lifted up into the air. His strong arms felt so comfortable, so protecting. You knew that even in that horrible place you'd be safe.

"Jeri...cho...?" he looked down at you and started walking towards a light. He put his forever and yours and looked deep into your eyes.

"Shh, I'll getcha out of here. I'll protect you, so don't worry and just trust this old man, m'kay?" he joked and briefly smiled down at you. You let out a small, weak giggle and nodded, kissing the top of his nose. Taken aback, Jericho cleared his throat and straightened his back again. "Ahem, 'kay, so, let's go... yeah..." his happiness was written all over his face, even though he tried hard to hide it. You grinned to yourself, amused that you had such a wonderful partner. You were sure he would protect you. He promised you that from the beginning. Until the end.

A/N: Again, I'm sorry it's so short and lacking. I just know that somewhere there are Jericho fangirls and wanted to write something for them, too, even though I don't have that much information about him. *cough*fOrThEvIeWsYaY*cough* So, anyway, I'll do another, better one as soon as I get to know him better. Then, sayooonara, Minna-san!

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