Stella Artois

75 3 0

Why are you here?

Everywhere I turn, you're haunting me.

Then again, maybe you were always there. Maybe I have just finally opened my eyes.

As it turns out, the night before your sixteenth birthday would be the night you never remembered, and the one I will forever loose sleep over.

All the vomit, the claustraphobia, the laughter, and the smell of chlorine and alcohol on your lips will forever plauge my memory

And the words you cried out as your father pulled you close

"Daddy, I'm drunk."

I just sat back and watched as he pat you on the shoulder, shaking your toxin ridden body as he congratulated you on being a man now.

But you're just a little boy

You always were

And I should have known.

And to this day, I feel my heart thrust it's way into my throat when I know you're close by


And the sound of your voice is worse, much worse

Just it's pitch sends my brain into a panic filled frenzy,

Dooming me to an eternity of empty gazes across gymnasium floors.

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