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Noisy noisy these kids they are

Crowded together in this dark catapulting cubicle.

While they breathe out hot air to fill the empty spaces

Our lives are too crowded for such useless breaths.

The air that we can never use

Because each word is precious, food that cannot go to waste

For we are starving.

Within the secluded pockets of hot air we shall sit alone

Fending off the conversing of those whom we always see

But will never get to know.

Perhaps some are wrapped up in a book

Or wondering what is for dinner tonight.

Some sit, nauseated, choking back the secrets which their car sick brains threaten to regurgitate

For our heads have become far too full

The suicidal blackness floods our thoughts

Drowning out all sense



Crowded together in this dark catapulting cubicle.

We hide alone in the shadows

Unknowingly together, bound by the same fate.

Day by day the oppression we face

Their dull eyes forcing us from speaking our sad sad minds

Don't you look at me, I am not broken.

Because as the clouds darken I feel us grow close

As the rain falls I know how you feel

And as the voices grow louder, I know what you know

Please friend don't

Don't look away from me

I need you.

Foggy as my thoughts may be

And as tired as my eyes may seem

I know you are not alone

I know your eyes see just like mine.

So please friend, don't

Don't leave our dark catapulting cubicle.

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