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Far away voices cry out
long gone
The touch of my father's harsh hand
on my own is lost
And I can no longer hear the sound
of the stuttering furnace

How can we rate pain
when there is no way to rate emotion?
She one ups my insecurities
with movement of lips
And disregards my tears
with a turn of the head

And I wonder
if she is laughing now?
Will she once again
seek a way to defeat my suffering?

One eye sees blue
the other green
It has always been like this
but I can't picture it now
Because how I felt five minutes ago
was as temporary as every other feeling I have endured

Sleep has always sounded nice
but I don't think I can ever wake up
Was I ever awake?
I figure yes because I have dreams
and I've been staring at myself in the mirror for far too long

My hand falls away from his
and he doesn't reach out for me
And vision is white
Obfuscating who I think I was

Poetry and All Things AlikeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora