Elephant in the Corner

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The smoke rises and escapes from the window in winding finger-like tendrils

Reaching for some sort of escape, a better life.

As the cars outside begin to soften and the sun slowly drops behind the trees, I know my time is limited.

The paper has never been so empty and my mind never so full.

You want to know all my secrets, and what I wouldn't give to fill this room with the contents of my brain

But I know that my vocabulary is limited and that my words are glass

So I'll say this-

I live on the most desolate road in the world and there is no place lonelier than home

My mind was made to be free.

My cousin taught me everything that I know, only to throw herself away.

Mom is insensitive but I could not love her more

Dad is the grumpiest man I know. He gets mad easily and doesn't like to talk.

I have his eyes.

When I was 12 I stumbled for a boy

At 14 he took everything from me.

I've been called a slut 9 times but have never touched anyone in my life.

I am a disappointment to my bestfriend. I make stupid decisions. But she had never given up on me.

I never knew I could get over the bad thoughts.

I had always assumed that I would live my life wanting to die

But holy shit, I am alive and this week could not have been better.

The dull features outside even seem to glow.

The storm clouds have never filled me with more joy

And the rain has never made me laugh so hard

Because thunder is just a song to dance to

And I made it through another winter.

Never did I know that I could find peace in classical music and fall in love with rock

All at once.

Even though things seem perfect, still I am convinced that a day will come when things will be even better.

That I'll be able to fall in love. That the idea of being with someone won't make me feel sick.

And I know I'm getting there.

Maybe there will be a day better than today.

Maybe I'll go to college. I could get married. I'll have kids.

Because I know now that I have a chance.

If I have gotten myself here, I can get myself anywhere.

I, as blue as can be, have never loved life more

Than I have today.

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