If Train-Wrecks Had Blue Eyes-1

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Do you ever just crave some one so bad
That even though they have been gone for so long
You can still hear their voice
In the back of your head
And how it sounded when they smiled

Or remember that habit they had
Of tossing their head back when they laughed
And constantly grinning as though
They're hiding an especially funny secret

But really they're just so sweet
That they are gracious enough to smile throughout your stories
No matter how dull compared to their exhilarating life

At the time it seems like they would never change
Like the rest of your lives' would be spent picking bitter black berries together
And skinny dipping in stagnant water
Before falling asleep to them playing guitar
In a dark room illuminated by dying fireflies

But growing up means learning
That heroes do hide secrets
And that even though they are grinning
The secrets are not especially funny, but in fact quite awful
Because to broken people, suffering is a joke
Which makes you realize where you developed your sense of humor from

I hate your perfectly straight teeth for tearing me apart
I hate your voice for piercing my ear drums
I hate your laugh for engraving its pitch into my brain
I hate your smile for covering up so many lies

Though they say two wrongs make a right
I think the same would apply to four
Because together they created one right
Which makes up you
And I hate you so many times over
That I love you

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