Chapter 1

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Crimson's POV

Zak's POV

I sat in my room, drawing a picture of the woman who kept appearing to me in my dreams. Ever since Zak adopted me and I moved into his house, I have been having really strange dreams. None of them are related in any way, except for the woman in white. She is in every single one. I have been trying to either draw or paint each dream after I have them, so I can try and figure out this puzzle.

I have been living with Zak for 2 months now. It was the last week of May when I moved in, and now its the last week of July. Zak had people come in and completely redo my room, just how I designed it. I want to start off by saying the room is HUGE! When I first moved in, it was all white, white walls, white furniture, white bedding, everything. There were two windows, a white desk, a medium sized closet, and a full size bed. My design completely changed the room. I had three of the walls painted forest green, and on the fourth I re-created the mural I had painted on the wall of my closet-of-a-room that I had at the hellish orphanage. It was a woman wearing a white dress, with out stretched arms and a look of despair on her face, floating across a lake in the forest. I blurred the painting a little bit, to make it look like it was out of a dream, which it is.

As for the rest of the room, I had a floating bed installed on the wall opposite the mural. It was about five feet off the ground, with brown bedding, and a black metal latter leading up to it, and I had my desk underneath it. My desk was dark mahogany, looking like something a college professor would sit behind in their office. I kept my art supplies in the drawers on one side, and I left the other side empty, for use when I started school. On top of my desk was the iMac that Zak bought me, a pen/pencil holder that I made, and three picture frames, one of my parents, one of my brother, who has been missing for a long time, and one of me with the GAC. I called it my family collage, because the GAC basically was my family now. I chose a medium shade of brown for the curtains, and a darker shade for the curtain rods. Since there are hardwood floors upstairs, I got a grass green area rug. I left my closet the way it was, but I got some hanging shelves to help organize all the stuff Zak bought me when he took me shopping. I tried to tell him he didn't have to, but he insisted.

Next to my closet, I have my makeup table and chair. It's antique looking, and I spray painted it white, because when I got it, it was an ugly bluish gray color. In the empty space by my windows, I have a wooden table and two chairs, with my own Keurig Platinum Plus Brewing System. I had mentioned to Zak that I like coffee, (Actually, love is the better word,) and when I woke up one morning, it was there. Zak likes to spoil me, even if he doesn't admit it. And finally, I strung white Christmas lights all along my ceiling, so that every night is a starry one. (Did you catch I was going for a forest theme?) 

I also helped Zak design a new look for his backyard. He wanted to change it up, but he wasn't sure how, so I helped him. We spent a few days rearranging the furniture, planting new plants, and finding some other small decorations. As a thank you present for helping him, he got me a Steinway baby grand piano! A PIANO! He told me it was for being such a huge help, and he knew how much I loved to play, so he thought it would be nice to get me one.

Adopting Crimson was one of the best decisions I have ever made. And I've made some pretty shitty ones, so this seemed even better. She never seemed to be unhappy about anything, and the vibe she put out was almost intoxicating. She made everything seem perfect. Even the darkness went away when she was around. But if she left, it came back stronger than ever. Why cant I rid myself of this horror?

Crimson is a huge help around the house. She helps we with anything I ask, but its understandable considering that up until now if she didn't do what was asked of her, she would be punished. Sometimes I had to tell her not to do things that you would normally have to harp on a teenage girl to do, like take out the trash, clean the bathroom, help with the dishes, stuff like that. Its hard to imagine her being like a typical teenage girl: Sitting in her room, painting her nails, calling her friends or her cheesy excuse for a boyfriend, and going shopping. Crimson paints pictures of her dreams, plays piano and sings, and only goes shopping when she absolutely needs something or if I take her. I have a tendency to spoil her, but I cant help it. The poor girl has had basically nothing in the way of personal possessions for the past 8 years of her life!

The Angel Emerges (Second Book of The Angel Series) (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz