Chapter 7

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I was really looking forward to this investigation. Nick, Aaron, and myself had been planning it for almost two years. We had finally gotten permission from the state a couple months ago to investigate, and now we were driving to location for the lockdown. Because of it's past, and significance in the community, the owner's asked that the name and city of the building be kept anonymous. We weren't about to argue with them.

"Thanks again for letting us investigate, Shelly," I thanked the owner once again.

"I hope you find what you're looking for," she replied with a smile.

I walked inside, followed by Aaron and Nick who were rolling on the regular cameras. Shelly locked the door, I did my normal pre-lockdown intro for the audience, then they shut off the cameras while we got our gear together.

"So have you heard from Crimson lately?" asked Nick, handing me a digital recorder.

"Yeah, she called earlier today. She said everything is going great, but she misses all of you guys. I was thinking we could take her on that Thanksgiving week lockdown we have."

"That sound awesome bro!" Aaron interjected. "Its always cool having her along with us because it seems like we get a lot more activity when she's around."

"Yeah, I noticed that too," said Nick. "Like back on Poveglia. The guy said the activity was almost dead, but something attacked her."

"I've noticed the same thing," I replied. "At home, the spirits that followed me seemed to be more active than when I first brought them home. And the Darkness has gotten worse."

Both of them looked at me with concern. I had told them about it, but only in it's early stages. Now it haunted me almost every hour of the day, waking or sleeping.

"Are you sure you should be doing this lockdown then?" asked Nick. "I could make it even worse than it is."

"I need to. I cant just sit at home anymore. Plus, we've been planning this for a long time. I need to at least do this one."

They nodded, then we started our investigation. The building was an old mental hospital that had severe cases of abuse and horrific experiments. One of the patients went on a killing spree, killing five other patients, after one of the so called "treatments". There was also a nurse named Stacy that committed suicide. No one knows why. Everyone we interviewed said she seemed completely normal, and was excited to be getting married.

After doing an open investigation for about an hour, we took a break. Just as I was about to take a drink of my water, a HUGE bang came from down the hallway from our base.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, grabbing me camera.

We walked down to the end of the hallway and were in shock. A huge metal door that was locked when we first tried to open it was swung wide open. Inside the room, a hospital bed looked like it had been thrown up against the wall.

"Holy shit! Aaron, Nick, do you see that?"

"Yeah bro, it looks like someone threw it against the wall. And look. Fresh tracks in the dust!" Aaron pointed out.

"What the hell is going on in this room?" Looking at the camera I said, "We were down here 20 minutes ago and this door was locked shut. Now it's opened on it's own and there's a bed that's been thrown across the room."

I pulled out the spirit box and started a session.

"Who did this? What is your name?"

The Angel Emerges (Second Book of The Angel Series) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now