Chapter 5

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As I finished reading the De Regulis (book of rules), I set it back in the trunk, piled all the stuff back on top of it, and locked it shut. I wasn't quite sure what to make of all of this. Just the mere fact that I'm an angel is almost to bear. But then I though about Zak. I could help protect him from any evil that tries to follow him home. He would never have to worry about getting possessed again or being tormented by demons. Then it dawned on me. I was going away for school. I wouldn't be back to see him until Thanksgiving.

A week passed by and I kept everything a secret from Zak. I didn't want to tell him because he definitely wouldn't let me go to SPS. I had received a call from my roommate, her name was Abigail Weston, from Salem, Oregon. We talked for a little while so we wouldn't be complete strangers when we met in person. She seemed cool.

That night, I got everything packed for school, because we were going to drive out tomorrow. I really wanted to fly, but Zak didn't want to go through the hassle of having all those bags at the airport. I told him he could just ship the stuff out, but he said we were going to drive. I hate long car rides.

The whole drive to SPS I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen to me while Crimson was gone. What am I supposed to do if the darkness returns? I really want Crimson to stay here, but I promised her this. And she deserves to get what she wants. And the reason  I decided to drive her to Wisconsin so we could have more time together.

After what seemed like only a few minutes, even though it was a few hours, we arrived in Watertown. Crimson's face lit up as we pulled into a parking lot where lots of other kids were unpacking suitcases and other bags. Signs led Crimson and I to where registration was. She walked around, grabbing everything she needed, signing up for what she wanted to. The whole time people were introducing themselves to both of us, and to my surprise, no one asked me about the show, or even showed a hint of recognition.

After we finally got through the line, we walked back out to the car and began unloading her stuff. We walked to her dorm building, Statson Hall. She was assigned room 316. I helped her carry the first of her stuff up, then went to get the rest while she began unpacking.

Excitement filled the air as I unpacked my stuff. I had been waiting all summer for this. And I was so glad that Zak actually let me go here. Abigail and another woman arrived as I finished unpacking my first bag.

"Hey, I'm Abigail," she said, opening her arms for a hug.

"I'm Crimson," I replied as I hugged her.

"It's so great to finally meet you!"

"You too!"

"Well, I'd better start unpacking." She walked over to her bed before quickly spinning around. "By the way, this is my mom."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Weston," I said, shaking her hand.

"Oh please, call me Kate."


Kate left the room to grab more of Abigail's bags. Abigail and I resumed unpacking. She was thin, with a runner's frame, long black hair, bright green eyes, and a similar style to mine, more on the dark side. Zak and Kate brought the rest of our stuff. After we finally finished unpacking, we all sat down and talked.

"I don't think we've officially met," Zak started the conversation, speaking to Kate and Abigail. "I'm Zachary Bagans, but you can call me Zak."

"No way!" Abigail exclaimed. "I thought you looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. I love your show."

"Thanks. You're actually the first person since we've arrived here to say anything."

"Really?" asked Kate. "There's a ton of fans of yours in Seattle."

The Angel Emerges (Second Book of The Angel Series) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now