Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up early to make Zak breakfast in bed. I was never one to kiss up, but I really wanted him to let me go to SPS. While I was cooking, I hoped that he didn't wake up. If he did, it would be kind of embarrassing. Just as I finished putting the bacon and eggs onto a plate, the toast popped out of the toaster and I jumped. I scanned the room, looking for Zak, but all I found was the toast. "Idiot," I thought to myself.

After I poured a glass of orange juice, I took the tray of food upstairs to Zak's room. He was just waking up when I opened the door.

"Good morning sunshine," I said with a smile.

"Crimson, what are you doing up so early?" he asked sleepily, moving to a sitting position.

"Are you blind? I made you breakfast."

I walked over and set the tray on his lap. He looked at me with an expression that was somewhere between confusion, appreciation, and disbelief.

"Well are you going to eat?" I asked after a long pause. "The food's getting cold."

"Um, yeah. I'll eat. Thanks." He took a bite of the eggs and his face lit up. "Holy shit! These are amazing!"

"Thanks. And the whole meal is only 200 calories."

"Wow, how did you do it?"

"Its a secret. I'll let you finish," I said, slowly walking backwards towards the door.

"Crimson, you don't have to be so nice to me. I don't deserve to be treated like royalty."

"Zak, most dads of a teenage girl would kill to have me instead of their moody, style obsessed, boy crazy daughters. I could be like that if you want, but I like being the way I am now the best."

"Good point. But you don't have to keep doing all these things for me."

"And you don't have to keep buying me things. I am perfectly capable of finding some odd end jobs to earn a few bucks so I can buy my own things."

"I know, I really need to stop. But its hard to say no to you after everything you've been through. I just don't want you to be unhappy.  It nearly kills me to even see you look unhappy."

"Zak," I said as I walked over to him, "I'm not always going to be happy. I'll be sad, confused, frustrated, pissed off, all of that. I'm only human and all of that's natural. I don't know of anyone who has never been anything but happy."

He sighed. "I guess I'll just have to live with that, wont I?"

I smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Yes you will. And just being away from that hell I lived in is big to me. It's the second best thing that's ever happened to me."

"What's the first?"

"Meeting you."

He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "You're making it so damn hard to make a decision about this school thing."

I let go of the warm embrace. "Well, you know what I want. I'll be in my room if you need me."

When I got in my room, I didn't know if I did a good enough job or not. I really want to go to Schroeder Prep, but I don't know if that will happen.

After Crimson walked out, I thought about what she said. She told me the best thing that ever happened to her was meeting me. I couldn't help but feel guilty about what I thought and said about her when we first chose her as the winner. I though it was stupid that a kid won and I wanted to get through the week as fast as possible. But now, I don't want her to leave. I've never been the protective type, but this is different. And it's not just that I don't want her to leave because I'll miss her, I'm afraid of what will happen to me while she's gone. Every time she's not around, the darkness comes back stronger than ever. I'm afraid it will consume me while she's gone. Thinking about the darkness made me remember the day when it first came to me:


I was so pumped for this lockdown. We were going to Poveglia Island, in the waters around Venice, Italy. We had just been dropped on the island for the night, after we finally got the boat started. Aaron and I showed where our x-cams were placed, then we geared up and set off on investigating. Everything seemed like a normal lockdown until I said "Usa la mia energia!", which means 'Use my energy!' After that, everything started to change. I became extremely agitated, and it seemed like I was looking through a red film. After that, I don't remember much until Nick and Aaron took my outside. I blessed myself with anointed oil, but there was one thought circling my brain the entire night, and it still does: "The darkness will follow, but the Light can destroy."

After we got back home, I went to many people, trying to see if they could tell me what it means. No one to this has been able to decipher it. I know about the first part, but what I really wanted was the latter. What is the light? Is it a place? A person? An object? To this day I cant figure it out.


Now that I thought about it, ever since I met Crimson, the darkness has subsided, at least while she's around. What does that mean? Does it mean she's my saving grace, or just making my other emotions block out the darkness?

I stayed in my room until supper. Zak came and asked me if I wanted lunch, but I wasn't hungry. I was too involved in finishing my painting of last night's dream.


I was walking along a long, stone path. There was nothing around me but blackness. I kept walking down the path when I came across a hill. When I got to the top, the horrors began. All around me where demons of every kind. Each had a name carved into the skin on their chests. Greed. Jealousy. Hatred. Pain. Suffering. Loss. Fear. Doubt. Worry. Shame. All things that people battle with in their lives. I wanted to turn around and run, but when I did, there was nothing there. No path, no nothing. So I continued on. As I walked past, the demons snarled at me. They all seemed to be trying to attack me, but couldn't. None of them could come close enough to touch me. As I reached the end of the path, the woman in white appeared. She was standing right in front of me. I knew it was her because she had no definite features. You could see where everything on her face would be, eyes, nose, mouth, but they weren't defined. She pointed at me, then disappeared.

*****END DREAM*****

I was painting myself walking down the path with the demons around me, and the woman in white at the end of the path. After I put the date in the bottom corner (I do that so I know what order they occurred in), I set it on my desk to dry, and went to look at my other dreams. One was of the woman in white saving a dying lion. Another was of my family, with the woman in white in the background. One thing I noticed was that the woman in white became more and more prominent in each dream. In my first dream, she was only a picture hanging on the wall in a mansion. In one of my later dreams, she became a living figure, but only in the background. In another, she started to become more of the main part of the dream. And as of late, she has always said something to me or showed me something in every dream.

After a quiet dinner, I went back up to my room, made myself a fresh cup of hot cinnamon apple cider, sat in one of my lounge chairs by my table, and tried to piece together the puzzle that is my dreams.

A.N/ Second chapter: DONE! I hope you enjoy it. I changed the name of the school because I realized that they may not like me using their name, so I made one up. Don't forget to like and vote, and comment if you have any suggestions or just if you liked it in general!

Stay awesome,


The Angel Emerges (Second Book of The Angel Series) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now