Chapter 11

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A car slows down near me, and I didnt know whether to run for it or not, so I stood still. The window rolled down and I wasnt surprised to see the one and only, Oh Sehun. I glared at him while he was paying attention to all my features.

"You need a lift?" He asks, trying to give me a smile. He had Big Bang on the radio... it was 'lets not fall in love'. I have to admit, thats pretty good taste.

"No." I reply bluntly. He looks at me in disbelief. "I do certainly not need a lift." I hissed, getting soaked.

"Hop in. You could catch a cold." He says, waving me over. I roll my eyes at him before walking over and hopping in the back. It was a few minutes into the ride, and all their was, was an awkward silence.

"So..." he says, looking at me through the mirror. "How have you been?" He asks, trying to look at me but also pay attention to the road.

"Fine." If you still talked to me, you would know. I really wanted to say that, but this was a free ride and it was freezing outside. He sighed, causing silence upon us.

"You going to the dance with anyone?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah." I snort. It goes quiet again, and all we could hear was the sound of the rain attacking the ground.

"With who?" He asked me curiously.

"You can just drop me off here." I point over to the start of my driveway. He only nods, before stopping the car.

I went in through the back and tiptoed past the lounge, where Luhan laid asleep. Probably was waiting for me. I sighed, making my way to my bedroom. I pulled out a suit case, and started to fill it up with my things. If the str dont lead me, theres always plan b... my cousins.

My cousin didnt live too far away, I always used to walk down there when I was younger. He normally had a friend over, who was creepy... but funny. I dont know whats going on in his life now though.

I was zipping up the bag, when suddenly a photo caught my attention. It was the family photo. It had my parents, luhan and I. Its actually been a while since Ive seen my parents.


I ran into the house with Luhan on my tail and we both jumped onto the couch that our parents sat on.

"Did you boys see the news?" My mom asks. Luhan and I stop squirming and say in a chorus 'no'.

"Well, a truck went straight into a poor man." Dad says, and frowns. "Oh well. You boys should get some rest." Dad smiles at us.

We both whine, and shake our heafs in disagreement, slowly getting up and going to our bedrooms.

It didnt take me long to fall asleep.

My eyes opened up, when the sound of a car engine goes off. It was only 8 in the morning, so I automatically assumed they were going to work. So, I went back to sleep.

End of flashback

After that, I never saw them again. I cant really stand the thought of leaving with out saying anything, so I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote;

'Ill be back in a few days.

I quickly snuck into the lounge and placed the note on the coffee table, before tiptoeing out of the house with my belongings.

It had taken me half an hour to finally reach house. I honestly remember him living closer.... -_-

I went up to the door and gave it a big knock and waited for a reply. It wasnt long until I heard foot steps coming closer.

The door swung open to a boy who Ive never seen before. "Um... does Taehyung still live here?" I ask.

"Hm? Oh." The boy stood still before turning around. "TAEHYUNG, GET YO ASS OVER HERE." He suddenly yelled. I have to admit... he looks like a horse...

"Yes hobi?" A person who I recognised as my cousin came over. He turned to me ammediately recognising me. "BACON!" He smiled, embracing me with a hug.

Luhan's P.O.V

I flicker my eyes open, realising I fell asleep on the couch. I figure Baek would be home by now.

I got up off the couch and called for Baekhyun, but there was no reply. I sighed before noticing a piece of paper what had my name on it.

I leaned over and grabbed it, and unfolded it.

Ill be back in a few days


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