Chapter 14

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Luhan and I just stared at each other silently, my stare full annoyance and his guilt. "Why." I ask, breaking the ice and looking down at the floor, with sadness. He kept quiet, speechless. "Why did you do it, Luhan?" I ask again, trying to get an answer. After he stayed silent I got up and left the house. I actually needed to pick up my suit anyways so...

When I shut the door behind me, all I could hear were the loud sobs coming from Luhan inside. I haven't actually ever seen him cry. He always puts up an act, saying his manly, when really he's just as pretty as mom. Dad was kind of disappointed about that, that's why he acts all tough. I guess he couldn't hold back any more. He doesn't need too anyway.

When I came inside the dry cleaners I quickly approached the boy at the front desk, who was sitting there listening to music. I didn't recognize him, so I looked straight at his name tag what read 'z. Tao'. "um.. I'm here to pick up a suit, under the name Byun Baekhyun. " I said, trying to force a smile to make it less awkward.  He nods before heading into a different room, and comes back with my suit what was wrapped in plastic.

I don't know why I couldn't recognize him. And he was the only one there too... That was even more odd. Normally there was a group of women, who would come and greet me as if we were close friends. But,  it was just him. I mouthed him a 'thank you' and the last thing I saw before leaving was him giving me a soft smile.

I headed straight home with it over my shoulder, and snuck it into my bedroom. I pulled out my phone to see if anyone has texted me.

On the group chat there was over a thousand, just of Chanyeol and Jiminy debating who's stronger. But I soon noticed there was a message from Kris.

Cold city guy: hey, you on?

Me: ye what's wrong?

Cold city guy: I'm going to be late for the dance.

Cold city guy: personal reasons

Me: um ok

I looked down to notice there was still one message I didn't check. I opened it up to see it was from sehun, asking if I was okay. I only turned off my phone and threw it to the end of my bed.

It vibrated twice, so I decided to check.

Sehun: ouch

Sehun: u know it says when u read my messages.... X/

I quietly chuckle, since that was something the Sehun I knew would say.

Me: sorry... I'm fine thanks

It has been hours since I first started talking to Sehun. Right now, I feel really comfortable with him.

Through that time, I'd forgotten everything that happened between us, like he was still living with me. Although it wasn't any better then.

After a while we stopped talking. I really wasn't hungry so I just decided to go to sleep.

Suddenly I heard a loud smash, like glass breaking and my eyes wince open. It was pitch black in my room, so its probably been hours. I slowly crept up out my bed and tiptoed to the door frame of the kitchen.

The light was glowing on the half of me what was peeping in the room. And there it was again, the sound of Luhan's sobs. I honestly don't have a clue whether I should go say something. Weirdly in my time of thoughts I walked straight in and saw him on his knees.

"Luhan? " I call to him, sounding as worried as I possibly could. He backs away slightly,  until he actually recognized me. He was trembling in fear... As if I were someone else to him. He was covered in cuts and bruises and his eyes dull. He basically looked half dead. "w-what happened? " I tried to put my hand on his shoulder, but he only backs away.

"nothing of your concern, don't worry... " he whispered. I looked him straight in the eyes and could see a whole different person. "don't. Worry. " he finishes cleaning up the shattered glass and pours it in the bin.

"I already don't trust you enough, tell me what happened!" I yell, already completely irritated. "I don't want you getting hurt and me just watching you as if nothing happened!" I scowl at him, getting teary eyes.

"Kai stopped by... " he finally said, making me gasp in shock. "he said something about me crossing the line and he was going to come after you." he sighed, grasping a bruised knuckle. "I just wanted to make him leave before you woke up, but he wouldn't go..." he explained starting to cry. "so I-I... " he could no longer talk properly and started full on crying.

I was confused, but I changed my direction to the other side of the kitchen to see what he was staring at. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was Kai laying motionless on the floor.


Well yeah I gotta say some stuff... It turns out this is going for longer than expected so....  Ye :)

And also there shall be some more Sehun coming! Soz he hasn't really been included... My bad.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

~marsh {=°×°=}

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