Chapter 13

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I waved goodbye to Taehyung and Hoseok,  who stood at the door.  Its been around a week since I first came over.  And yes,  during that week I did go to school.

It wasn't long before I reached my house,  and I knocked on the door. I came back since I didn't want to leave Luhan worrying, and I guess I missed him. 

There oddly was no reply, which was definitely strange.  I opened up the door slowly,  what made a loud creak.  I turned around to see the house looking like a dump.

The place also reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. I hated the smell. "uh...  Luhan?" I call heading into the lounge where he was passed out on the couch. Then I noticed Kai in another chair, explaining a lot. 

"oh.  Hi,  Baekhyun. " he slurred,  with his bad breath reaching all the way to my face.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" I hissed. He only laughed,  while watching a kids show on the TV with a bottle of liquor in his right hand. "I thought I told you to get the fuck lost!" I raised my voice. 

"I will, if you give me a kiss." he got up from the chair all up in my face.

"get out of my house you pig!" I cursed. He only stands there giving a creepy smile, then forcefully grabs onto my wrists and pushes me up against the wall.

"Luhan!" I scream,  getting no reply. "LUHAN." my voice cracks. All I hear is him groan,  and he rolls over. Kai leans in for my neck,  when someone hits him away. 

And for some reason,  it was Sehun.  "okay,  why and how are you in here?" I ask, kind of expecting my brother and also finding his presence really creepy.

He shrugs before replying; "I was going for a walk down here, and I heard you screaming. Be thankful I actually heard you. "

"and also,  the door was wide open." sehun inspected me to see if there was anything wrong.

"you can leave now." I point to the door. Sehun sighs before shaking his head.

"I'm not leaving you with two drunks." he states. I roll my eyes before sitting down on Luhans legs.

"this 'rat' can take care of himself." I fold my arms. It only takes him a second to recognize what I just said, and gives me a guilty expression.

"yeah. Now when you leave, take the Angus burger with you." I pointed down to Kai, who was unconscious on the floor with a blood nose.

"why do you hate me? " sehun murmured. He then recapped and face palms. "right. Never mind." sehun picks Kai up from his bridal side and dragged him out the house.

Sehuns P.O.V

Sorry, but that was just plain rude. I mean... I don't even know this druggo. Any moment now, he could wake up and beat the crap out of me.

Well just moments ago, that was an amazing punch, but I'm not that good. Ugh wae.

I didn't know what to do with him, so I walked all the way to the park to dump his body some where. It kinda sounds really suspicious now that I think about it.... Pfft. Oh well.

I walk in through the gates, still holding his bridal side. Sadly the place was full of families and mainly kids. So I had to sneak around to an empty spot.

I managed to find a path that led to an actually beautiful spot, but there were no benchs so I just decided to drop him on the leaves, in an awkward position.

I dust my hands off and turn around to see a chubby little boy watching me, clearly scared... But it was so cute!

"he's dead?! " he squeaked in such a cute baby voice. I shake my head and hands to tell him that he wasn't,  but he just ran off screaming.

"this could have gone better..  " I face palmed before making a run for it.


Lol I had to put a tiny bit of humor in, don't judge! XP


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