35-Trapped and Thrown Away

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My heart is trapped, trapped in a ball of pain and sorrow.

The pain is suffocating me,taring me apart from the inside out.

I can barely function because of the sorrow, the sorrow that you've caused.

Looking in the mirror I dont even recognize myself.

Is that really me, or is this some kind of sick joke?

What happened to us?

What caused you to become so distant, to push me away?

Why do you feel it's okay to ignore me, to pretend i'm not real?

I promise you I'm real, I have feelings and needs and wants; just like you.

Why do you feel its okay to cut me out of your life, love is unconditional.

I wish I could talk to you again, tell you about my day and ask about yours.

I wish we could be us again, hang out together like old times.

I wish you still cared about me, like I care about you.

Saving Me (Poems For The Broken By The Broken)Where stories live. Discover now