47 Faithless

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It's everywhere you look.
Social media
The news
Your job
No matter what it's fucking always there.
I'm talking about religous oppression.
It seems to be all you hear and see today.
Bullying people over their different views.
Everything is a fucking sin.
The bible says this or that, but only when it can be used against someone else.
Believe as I do or else.
Your beliefs are wrong!
My beliefs are the only beliefs!
You're going to hell for your beliefs!
You're going to hell for your lack of beliefs!
Having no faith is just as bad as disagreeing with me!
You're faith is different than mine so you must worship Satan!
You like rock-n-roll so you're a Satan worshiper.
What these religious enthusiasts dont realize is that all religion stems from one church.
The Roman Catholic church!
The bible has been translated and retranslated and retranslated thousands of times.
That is after initially being written by man to begin with.
Faith is not the same thing as religion.
Faith is learned.
Emotionally driven.
Religion is man made.
Forced on people.
So, I say that it is about time to finally fucking end humanity's damned obsession with religion!
All it does is it divide us all.
It's sad how the only thing to unite us is love and violence over the very things that divide us.
Sexual preferences or orientation
I'm so over being ostracized by the very fucking people who told me to be whatever I wanted to be in life.
All because I listen to rock music, chose to be atheist, I am bisexual, and I am a woman!

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