5- What Happened

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This is fictitious in some places but i wish that the person this is about could see it and not get pissed at me but i wrote this a few months ago and ive gotten tired fo tapeing it back together so im uploading it.



please do not be judgemental about this. I know his story so i understand the whole situation.


What Happened?

I sit and listen as he tells me about his past.

About the hell that is his life.

I sit and watch as he throws away his life.

The next twenty years could be the best.

I witness the changes in him.

The darkness of his skin.

The hollowness of his face.

His lifeless eyes.

I try to help him.

Listen to him.

Talk to him.

I watch as he struggles through the day.

The struggle just to get out of bed.

The struggle to communicate with anyone but me.

I watch as my best friend kills himself and me.

He injects himself with the vermin he calls comfort.

He inhales the powder of serenity.

He drowns in his own want to be sane again.

What happened to my best friend.

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