Chapter 21

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OMG! Chapter 21! and I have almost 11,000 reads! U guyz are amaZayn! Like no joke! Love you all. Now on to what u awesome people have been waiting for.


Chapter 21


     "Why is it so hot out here? And at night too!" Zayn complained. Let me explain our situation. Right now we are at the St. Augustine light house on a ghost tour. Aunt Laura, Jake, Sammy, and James didn't want to come, so it was just us wolves. Currently we are getting into groups for the tour. There's so many people that we have to take turns going into the house and lighthouse. The rest of the people are humans and 2 or 3 of them are with us.

     "Well Zayn it's Florida. The only time it's cold is the two weeks of cold in the winter, if that." I explained. I looked down as I felt a tug on my flare jeans. I saw that the tug was made by a little girl about 3 or 4 year old. I crouched down to her level. "Hey sweetie. Can I help you with something?" I asked smiling at her.

     "My name's Kayla." she said in her cute little voice. I can tell she is not the shy type of girl.

     "Well hello Kayla. My name's Crystal, but you can call me Cris. Where are your parents?"

     "They're over there talking to the person." he answered. I looked around and saw an older couple talking to the tour guide.

     "Why hello. Cris who's this?" Harry asked crouching by me.

     "My name's Kayla. You talk funny." she said with a giggle.

     "Oh I do, do I? Well to me you are the one that talks funny." Harry said with a smile.

     "nuh uh! I talk normal." she said shaking her head a few times.

     "Well where I come from, you talk weird, and I talk normal." he said laughing.

     "Harry Cris, come on! The tour's starting!" Sandy yelled.

     "Come on babe time to go." Harry said giving me a peck on the cheek and going to the others.

     Just as I was standing up, Kayla asked, "Are you going to marry him?"

     I froze for a few seconds before replying. "Well I hope so. Guess we'll just see. Good-bye Kayla. It was nice meeting you." I said with a wave, jogging to our group.

     First we were gong to climb up the lighthouse, then we would go in the house then we would have an hour on our own to walk around and try to see supernatural activity.

     Before we went in the lighthouse we were told some history about this place. Like how a man died from a fall at the near top. When we got it we had to use the glow sticks we had gotten a the beginning as our only light source. Then we started our walk all the way to the top.

     When we got there the view is amazing, but it is really high up! Someone asked how high up we were and the tour guide, Stan, answered about 130 feet. The whole time we were up there I had my head buried in Harry's chest, refusing to look anymore. After about 10 minutes we had to begin our descent back down the stairs. The whole time my legs were shaking really bad. When we had reached the bottom, Louis jumped down the last few steps and landed perfectly. The boys did that too. When I was close enough, Harry grabbed my waist and lifted me up and down the last few steps. Then he set me down only to pick me up again bridal style.

     He carried me out the door and sat me down on a bench that was right next to the door.

     "Cris you okay?" he asked with worry in his eyes.

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