Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


     Not two seconds after Harry said that, Stan was standing outside my cell door. This time he had friends. Two to be exact. They were both big and buff and they looked identical, so I'm pretty sure they're twin brothers.

     Harry he's back but he has two guys with him. I whimpered through our link.

     Stay strong love. We're almost there. Stay strong just for a little longer. He said with a whimper of his own.

     Stan smirked as he opened the door and walked to me, with the two guys in tow. Stan's eyes held lust and a little bit of anger, but the other guys' only held pity, sadness, and regret. What?

     "Hello little mate." Stan said. I growled and snarled at him. He scowled and slapped me twice. The guys winced every time he hit me. Stan roughly grabbed my face and made me look into his eyes. "You will not treat me like that, do you understand me?"

     "You know what I understand perfectly?" He looked at me questioningly. "I understand that you will go to h311. And Harry will be the one to send you there." I growled. I spit in his face and he growled. Then he punched me in the stomach.

     One of the guys cut in. "You said you wouldn't hurt the child if we did this. This is not our arrangement."

     "Then make it. Unless you want me to kill your mate and her unborn pup. I have her locked up tight and one word from me and she dies." Stan said calmly. I saw both of the twin's jaws clench and their fists tighten. Stan punched me in the gut two more times before unchaining me and letting me drop to the ground holding my stomach gasping for air.

     Did he hurt Alex? Lexi did Stan hurt our pup? I asked frantically.

     No. Alex is fine. He didn't hurt our pup. She said a few seconds later. I sighed in relief and I looked up at the two guys with fear in my eyes.

     "We are so sorry about this." the one on the left said. I'mma call him Buff.

     "But he has our mate and our pup. We wont hurt your pup, but in order to keep them safe." the other one continued. I'mma call him Biggy.

     "You have to hurt me." I finished. They nodded their heads sadly. "It's alright. If our positions were reversed I would do the same thing. When my mate finds us you wont be in trouble. He'll help you find you mate and we will all leave this h311 hole. Just please," I said looking pleadingly into their eyes. "Don't hurt my pup. Do whatever you want to me, just don't hurt him. I'm begging you."

     "We wont hurt him." they said together.

     I nodded my head and closed my eyes as Buff raised his hand to strike. A few seconds later I felt a large sting on my cheek and I cried out. Then I felt a kick to my knee crushing the bone. I screamed in agony.

     This went on for another hour before Stan came back in. By that time I had a black eye, my legs had been broken three times each, my arms were bent at strange angles and were healing slowly, and my face was covered in blood, but my child was still safe. True to their word they hadn't done anything to him. And for that I was grateful beyond words.

     "Well done. You can go to your mate now but you will not leave. I still have her under my watch and she will still die if you do anything." Stan said staring at my bruised and battered body. Buff and Biggy, who I found out to really be John and Marvin, left the cell with one last saddened glance at me. I gave them a small nod and managed a weak smile.

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