Chapter 22

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OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! 12,OOO reads! How epic is that?! I wanna thank all of you guys who added this story to your reading list. Thnx it really means a lot. On to the story, FOR NARNIA!!!!!

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Chapter 22 (eep!)


     I woke up with the sun in my eyes, and an arm wrapped tightly around my waist hold me to a muscled and warm chest. I closed my eyes again and snuggled closer to Harry as I remembered everything of last night. It had been the best night of my life. He was so gentle and loving. *sigh dreamily* I felt Harry starting to wake up. He tightened his grip and started kissing my bare shoulder. I moaned at the contact.

     "Harry stop." I said giggling. "We have to get up. Today's the fourth of July. There's gonna be a lot of people so we have to get a head start."

     "We probably would've been up earlier if you hadn't done what you did last night." he said still kissing my bare skin.

     "With you we still would've been up late. Now come on. Or do I have to throw you across the room?" I said.

     He sighed but let go. "I'm going to take a shower." I said.

     "Can I join?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

     "You're going to with or without my permission, so might as well take the easy way. But I want to be in there no longer than an hour. Understood?"

     "Yes ma'am." he said leading me to the bathroom.

     After an hour, we were clean, and I was trying to find my favorite t-shirt. "I like that look on you. You should wear that more often." Harry said with a smirk.

     "All I'm wearing is a pair of skinny jeans, and a bra." I said.

     "I know." he replied smirking still.

     I rolled my eyes and said, "You know. If I walked out of here like this, I don't think you'll like all the stares I'll be getting." I was still trying to find my shirt when Harry threw me on the bed and attacked my open neck.

     "Mine." he growled.

     "Yeah, yeah. Now have you seen my shirt? The purple Hollister one?" I said pushing him away and getting back up.

     "No." he said laying on the bed with his hands behind his head.

     "Hmm. Could've sworn I brought it." I said. He just shrugged in response before getting his own shirt on.

     Just then the door opened to reveal Aunt Laura. Harry relaxed when he saw it was her.

     "Hey I'm gonna be out for a while so all of you wolves will be on your own for a while. We wont be able to make the fireworks tonight either." she said. Then she saw what I was wearing, or more specifically what I wasn't wearing. "Oh god! What did I say about the birds and the bees?! Cheese and crackers! Y'all cant listen for s***." she mumbled.

     "Aunt Laura!" I said staring at her. She never cursed. Like, ever.

     "What?" she said.

     "Nothing. Nothing." I mumbled.

     "Yeah well, this happens again you mister will be sleeping on the couch." she said pointing at Harry. His eyes widened and he put his hands up in an I surrender pose. She left grumbling about hormonal teenage werewolves. When she was gone we busted out laughing.

     I settled on a white striped shirt and we went downstairs to eat breakfast. After we had eaten we all decided to walk around town before the fireworks tonight. I couldn't wait. They were always the best.

     The lads teased us about finally mating all. Day. Long. I was as red as a tomato all day while Harry just smirked earning him a slap to the head a few times.

     Soon it was time for the fireworks and we all sat on the wall in the grass, that sorta made a hill. I don't really know how to explain it. We all waited and played with some werewolf pups while we waited. We had permission from the parents though of course.

     "You will make a great mother one day." Harry whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. He seems to like this position.

     "And you will make a great father as well." I whispered back to him.

     The fireworks started soon after. The whole show was about and hour long at the most. When we got home we all just crashed. After eating dinner of course.


*skip a head to the day they leave*

     "Oh honey I'm going to miss you so much. I want you to call when ever you can. Okay sweetie?" Aunt Laura asked on the verge of tears. After we all said our goodbyes we all rushed onto the plane because the spell just stopped all of a sudden like just gone. No fizzling or fading just gone.

     For the most of the plane ride home I slept while everyone else did their own thing.

     When I woke up we were about an hour away form England and Harry was still up. He was staring out the window in the row across from me. Hew must have been in really deep thought, because he didn't even notice me walking over to him until I sat on his lap straddling him, and he jumped a little when I did.

     "Hey babe." he said rubbing my sides.

     "Harry are you okay?" I asked tilting my head a little and furrowing my eyebrows a little.

     "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

     "Well, it's just you looked like had a lot on your mind. You know you can tell me anything right?"

     "I know sweetheart. I know."

     "You know I've been thinking." I started. "I want to help you. I'm willing to go back if it means I can help." I said fiddling with my hands and avoiding eye contact.

     He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head making me look him in the eye. "Are you sure? You don't have to. I 'm not going to force you to do it." he said quietly.

     "I know. But I want to." I said.

     "Alright then. We can go back in a few days, but for now, rest" he said fixing me so that I lay bridal style on his lap with my head tucked safely in his neck. His scent of pine and musk are what helped me to sleep.


Okay so ya










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