Meeting Tommy Clarke

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Months passed and I had started a new life. I was going to school with Taylor. She was my only guide in the school. A couple weeks passed and I had a pretty good handle on not only my powers, but in school. As I went to science class, there was a boy who was being bullied at his locker. I went over and helped him. To my surprise he was in my science class and he was also new to the school.

"Clarke," he said, "Tommy Clarke."

"I'm Amelia Jean, but you can call me AJ."

"AJ, that's a pretty name." He smiled.

I knew he liked me, from the moment I saw him in my father's ice cream shop, ACE'S Frozen Parlor. It was just around the corner from the school. Tommy was a 17 year old boy just like myself. Going to the same school as me; Carbondale High.

When I saw him in the hall the next day, I told him we needed another ice cream scooper, and asked if he was interested. He said that he was and that he would walk with me after school. After 6th hour I waited at the front of the school for him. As we walked to ACE'S, I noticed he felt a little nervous about the interview.

"You'll be fine Tommy, I'm in charge of the interviews. They're really easy."

"Okay, if you say so." He chuckled, "I'm putting my trust in you AJ, don't let me down."

I took him into my office and started the interview. With only the basic questions that you would ask on an interview.

"Can you scoop ice cream?" I asked.

"Uh... Yeah?"

"Congratulations. You're hired. Let me grab your uniform and you'll start tomorrow."

"Um... awesome. Thanks."

I told him that it was no big deal. As we walked out of the office and headed towards the bar, I had his uniform on my arm.

"You can try it on in the men's room." I said looking him in the eyes.

He didn't hear me talking to him. He just kept staring at this man at a table in front of the bar.

"Hold on a sec," he was looking at the man. "I'll be right back."

As he walked over to the man, he started asking about what happened when the building caught fire after he left. I wasn't clear on the subject when Tommy told me what happened. They talked for a while.

"What happened, after I left the warehouse?" Tommy asked.

"What do you think happened?" The man asked sipping his coffee.

"I think we shouldn't talk about it in public." Tommy said.

"Good idea." a voice said.

Tommy looked up towards the left when there was a woman standing next to the man. It was the man's wife. She was holding a gun in her hand under her jacket. They walked outside and I followed a ways behind them. They didn't notice me behind them.

"Hey, you forgot to try on your uniform..." I trailed off when I saw the gun in the woman's hand.

"Now how are we going to kill him with her here!" the man said to the woman.

"Never mind we'll take them both out." She said.

She turned and pointed her gun at me. I froze in fear. Tommy reached out and touched her. First the gun disappeared from her hand, she turned her head and looked at him, and then she disappeared. The man looked at Tommy, and disappeared when Tommy reached over and touched him. When Tommy saw me standing there, he ran away from me, scared that I would tell someone what happened. I didn't say anything because I was so confused as to what had just happened.

After driving for a while to find him, I finally caught up to him. He looked so angry, and was mumbling about something.

"Gosh I'm such an idiot!" He said walking on the sidewalk. "Now my mom and I will have to pack our bags and leave again."

"No you won't and you're not an idiot."

"Yes I am AJ, and you should probably go."

He started walking faster, so I pulled over to the side of the road. I got out of my truck.

"Tommy! Tommy! Tommy answer me!"

He didn't say anything, he just kept walking away. After a while of him walking further away from the car I finally told him what I would do: keep his secret safe.

"Tommy! Your secret, it's safe with me."

He turned and looked at me with surprise in his eyes. I picked him up and took him to my house, and we ate dinner with my aunt. I had him spend the night there so he would be safe. He stayed in the bedroom across the hall from my room. Just in case he needed anything. We talked when I was doing my homework, I asked him where he sent the man and woman, after they disappeared. He told me that he was afraid that they were going to send him away again, so he made them disappear and go to the place they sent him when he was seven. His room was a lot like mine with toys and stuff as well.

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