My Decision: Part 2

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As Taylor, Tommy, Erica and I set out to find my father I sat next to Tommy and held his hand the almost the entire time for the next 40 miles to Vienna, Illinois where my father lived. Not much was talked about during that car ride, Erica was driving, Taylor was asleep in the passengers seat, Tommy was asleep, he was sitting behind Erica, and I was wide awake reading a book, trying desperately not to have a conversation with Erica, when she was trying to start one with me. Soon, a good handful of hours passed and we reached my father's house. I carefully shook Tommy awake, he looks so cute when he's asleep. He woke up with a groaning sound, much like the one you do when you don't want to wake up, and gently rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful," he said smiling slightly, "how'd you sleep?"

I looked at him and laughed softly as I spoke, "Um, Tommy? It's 2am. You've slept the entire car ride babe, you basically just closed your eyes and died." I said as he laughed softly. "And it's not exactly a 'good morning' when you've had no sleep because you've been so nervous the entire time and couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard you tried." I said softly with a small sad smile on my lips that he could see. He opened his mouth to say something only to have Erica interupt him.

"I'm so sorry to cut this adorable moment between the two of you short, but we need to get out and see your dad AJ. He's been up all day and night waiting to see you. He misses you-"

"He misses me?" I snapped at her coldly, "He doesn't miss me, he didn't even want me. He was the one who left me. I was the one who got abandoned as a kid. Of all people you should understand that he never wanted me because he told you that the night I was in the police station waiting for him to come get me. And he's not my 'dad', he's just a coward who couldn't take care of a little girl!" I screamed.

Erica stared at me and said nothing, Taylor woke up slightly confused from hearing me yell at her mother and Tommy said nothing because he knew there was nothing he could say. No one said anything after that little moment happened, so we all got out of the car and walked up to the door. Erica knocked and we waited for the door to open, when it did I was faced with someone I never wanted to see again in my life. My father, to me he's just either my father, or Ace, a man who was supposed to be my dad and raise me, but obviously he failed at doing so.

"Erica! Oh I'm so glad you made it. You must be exhausted. Here come inside and I'll have my boys get the bags from the car." He said.

This is gonna be a long day. Tommy and I walked down the long hallway leading towards the stairs to the basement, there was a master bedroom and bathroom down there. The house as a whole was oddly small for being a 5 bed, 4 bath house, and it was surprisingly very well kept and quite comfortable. Tommy and I went to our room, set our stuff down and fell asleep, we woke up around 11:30 am, well, I woke up around 10 am, but deciede to read before Tommy got up. We talked and cuddled for a little bit before Erica called us from upstairs to come up and see them. Great now what does she want? We walk up the stairs and make our way into the kitchen where she, Taylor and my father are standing.

"Hey kid, it's been a while." He said smiling.

Oh boy, this is going to be a long day. He walked up to me with out streatched arms wanting a hug. Fine, I guess I'll just have to build a bonfire tonight and burn these clothes. Great I have to burn my favorite Panic! At The Disco shirt. Great. I pull on a fake, but believable smile to him and Erica, and hug him back, man I really don't want to do this right now.

"Hey dad, it's been so long." I reply sounding sickeningly happy. I let go of him and look at Erica blankly as I say, "So, what should we talk about first?"

She stared at me for a little bit utterly shocked at how fast I changed my mood, as she opened her mouth to speak no words came out and she looked like a dying fish trying to get air as she repeatedly opened and closed her mouth, the words unable to leave her lips like she wanted. Once she was finally able to find the words she wanted to say, I beat her to it. 

"So, what should we do first Erica, talk about the "mission" you dragged me on involving my so called father who abandoned me as a child-" I said while quickly switching my attention to my father before continuing; "And don't worry dad I've completely forgiven you for your failed attempt at parenting." I state as the words poured off of my tongue and lips like sarcasm dipped in venom. Tommy stood behind me and grabbed my hand to hold me close to him so I wouldn't walk forward and punch my father square in the face. I looked back at him as he slightly tugged in my arm to get my attention to calm me down a bit. Oh how I hated that man in front of me. But I did make a promise to Erica that is help her, so it's too late to back out, and we're already at my fathers house standing in his living room so it's really too late to go back now.

"Why don't we just take a step back and talk about why you really need AJ right now Mr. Thompson?" Tommy asked while slightly pulling me back towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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